
Tuesday, October 16, 2012

October Garden, Family Applesauce-making, and Vintage Finds...

Early this morning, after a warm cup of coffee, I donned my rubber boots and headed out to our modest little corn patch.

A popcorn patch, to be exact.

I had planted kernels of popcorn at the end of June. An experiment of sorts. Tilled up a small patch, sprinkled on some popcorn kernels and waited.

Unfortunately, I believe I planted a bit too late (as I did with the pumpkins which I planted the same day as the popcorn.) However, I still went out to see what I could find amongst the corn stalks.

And there wasn't much, but there is definitely enough to be able to enjoy some homegrown popcorn at least several times. And the ears that were even more sparse, were thrown in to the chicken run for them to enjoy.

Now begins the drying process and once these juicy little kernels have all dried out, we'll try them in our air popper. I'm excited (and a bit curious) to see how it all turns out.

Last night was a bit of a late one with some applesauce-making. I put the kids to work slicing many, many apples and Brad joined in after he got home from work.

This is our third run of applesauce, and most likely our last. We've been blessed to be able to put up 20 quarts.

We've been getting these apples locally. And they are wonderful, firm, juicy apples. Non-waxed. Fresh picked this year. Unlike the grocery store ones.

So we're hoping to substitute the applesauce for real apples over the winter. I buy sweet apples (Fuji, yellow delicious, macs) when I make applesauce so that I do not have to add any sugar.

It feels good to be able to put up food for the winter months. And it's always very rewarding when it's a family affair. Our can cellar shelves are quite full right now. A very happy sight!

The two younger kiddos and I paid a visit to one of our town's thrift shops recently. My thrifting days have become far and few between, but if I have a few extra minutes, I do enjoy popping in to see what I can find. Thrifting is a treasure hunt for me!

And I scored big time this last trip in.

I love vintage linens so I was very excited when I found all of these vintage pillowcases for 25 cents a piece. Most of these I will put in my fabric stash to be used in sewing projects.

There were two that came as a pair. I will actually use these on our master bed.

These crochet-adorned off-white pillowcases...

And these very cute "his" and "hers" pillowcases...

I also found this cute little quilt top. I love quilt tops. Maybe one day I will get a chance to actually do something with this. Maybe back it and finish it off? Or maybe use it to make a couple of pillows? I'm not sure yet.

And here are a stack of hats I've been crocheting, stockpiling for the craft fair in December. These will soon be cute little giraffe hats once I finish crocheting the many horns and ears and get them all sewn on.

Did I ever tell you how relaxing crocheting is for me? (Although a deadline does add a bit of pressure; but I work best under a deadline.)

Well, I must go get this day rolling. So much to do this morning before heading to my friend Carmen's beautiful farm for a little visit this afternoon.

Have a most blessed day!