
Wednesday, October 24, 2012


Well, the first round of the cold weather sickies has made its appearance here in our home. Two down - Ian and I. Although I seem to have it a little less severely; I'm still chugging along with all that needs done. Ian's taken up residence on the couch since yesterday afternoon. So we've been downing hot tea, and a big pot of hot chicken soup {with extra garlic} is on the menu for today.

In other news...

It's been beautiful around these parts. Unseasonably warm. The kids have spent quite a bit of time jumping and playing in the leaves in our compost bins. Brad just built these bins so, right now, all that they have in them are leaves.

 I spent some time crocheting on a blanket outside while the kids played. It was marvelous.

Ian's taking an art journaling class at our homeschool co-op, and I happen to be one of the teacher's assistants in that particular class. As a result, we've both become very interested in the whole process. It's fun to learn new artistic methods.

Saturday morning, we got out our journals and spent a couple of hours art journaling. I am finding it so relaxing to combine drawing/painting/sketching {or whatever} with words. I think I might have found a new hobby. {Not that I really have time for another one!}


Then that afternoon I took Lily to an art class at a local art gallery. One of my friends from homeschool co-op owns the art gallery and offers art classes for kids every second and third Saturday of each month. If you're local and are interested, you can check out her site here.

I took Sergei last week to open his very first bank account. I know that that probably seems like such an insignificant thing, but he thought it was super cool and felt very grown up. Now he seems to have a motivation to save his money.

School continues. Molly joined Lily at the computer for some phonics lessons the other morning. She is really such a spoiled puppy.

And Monday night, we traveled to Sergei's soccer championship game. His team had an undefeated season this year. And they won the championship game again. 5-0!

 {Sergei is #11. Second from the right.}

 He was elated, of course!

Well, I'm off to tend the sick and work on math lessons.

Have a blessed day!