
Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Here and well, just busy hookin'!

Good morning, all! I woke up to the results of the presidential elections. Not what I was hoping for, but God is in control!

Then I went downstairs to see that two of our eggs that we have been incubating hatched through the night. There were two very cute little furry chickies stumbling around in the incubator. That was definitely uplifting in light of the election news! Then about two hours later, the kids and I got to witness another one hatching. It was super cool!

Anyway, I'm here. We're mostly well (although I'm slightly suspicious that one of the kiddos might have the flu; time will tell) and plowing forward with our school lessons and all the other normal things we do around here.

What has kept me extremely busy has been all of the crocheting I've been doing. I'm getting ready for a craft fair on the first of December, and I've gotten multiple orders from facebook for some of my items. So I've been spending most of my free moments with my yarn and hook in hand! Here are some of the things I've been working on...

I'm not complaining about the busyness. I love crocheting, and I love that I can share my creations with others. And once I dig myself out of my initial investment hole, it will also be nice to be making some extra cash! :)

So anyway, that's where I've been. I hope all is well with all of you.

Have a blessed day!