
Wednesday, February 12, 2014


Lily turned eight last week. My baby is eight. Wow.

We had a little celebration at home with just our small family of five. My mother-in-law stopped by that evening to bring Lily her gifts.

We keep gift-giving small and special in our home, trying to focus on just those things that we know our children would really enjoy. Brad actually picked up the gifts for Lily's birthday this year as I was at home in bed still recuperating from the flu.

As you can probably see in the pictures above, the canines just had to get in on the action. It was quite difficult for Lily to open her gifts in peace. There was much excitement on behalf of the pups. They found it quite necessary to aid in the opening of Lily's gifts. 

And in lieu of a cake, we opted for doughnuts again per Lily's request. My kids prefer doughnuts over cake. They must get it from their mama. So we stack them up and randomly stick the candles in. It works.

And then there were the flowers. It's Brad's little birthday tradition with Lily. He buys her flowers each birthday. A gift from his heart to hers.


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