
Thursday, February 13, 2014

snowy day happenings

I think I'm feeling pretty much like most of the country is feeling this winter. Although we've got plenty of winter left, considering it's only February, I'm yearning for the warmer, sunnier days of spring. I'm pining to be able to open my windows and air out the stagnant winter air. I want to feel the warmth of the sun on my face and the coolness of the dirt on my fingertips.

Yes, spring, I am waiting in great anticipation of you. Especially this year. This winter that has been predicted quite accurately by the Farmer's Almanac to be a colder, snowier, and longer winter than usual. Yes, come quickly spring. 

But in the meantime, well since we can't change the weather, I guess we must make the best of what God has given us this winter season. So that means plenty of mittens, hats, boots, and sledding. Lots of warm drinks and blanket-snuggling. Big pots full of hot, hearty soup. Moments spent with yarn and needles in hand. The fairly constant hum of the sewing machine. Candles lit to warm the room up with its soft light. Moments spent teaching the littlest one how to play chess. Many moments spent with a book (or Kindle) in hand. And plenty of Friday night family movie nights to kick off the weekend. 

In case you're interested...
Miss Maggie Rabbit kit by Alicia Paulson
Honey Cowl pattern by Madelinetosh


  1. Amber,

    I always look forward to reading your posts. Love the moments you capture. Makes me long for the day (soon) that I will be able to leave my job and be home with my kids.



  2. love your blog so all the pics..
    take it easy and stay safe and warm..
    have a great weekend..


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