
Tuesday, February 11, 2014

A blanket for baby

Well, I'm still recovering from the after-effects of the flu. It's amazing how long this is all holding on, but I've heard that from everyone who has had this particular strain of the flu this year. Although my flu symptoms have long been gone, I'm in the midst of recuperating from an annoying and draining sinus infection. Yesterday was my first day that I felt half decent. We woke up this morning, however, and both of the kids have colds. Gracious. It feels like never-ending sickness around here. I'm really praying to avoid this cold since every cold I get turns into a sinus infection. And I already have one of those and would like to totally get rid of it without the worries of another one following close behind.

My sister-in-law had her baby shower this past Saturday. This is her first, of course. She's having a girl. 

I love to give handmade gifts. Gifts that I pour my love and time into are my favorite (which is pretty much everything I make.) So even though we purchased her bouncer seat for her, I knew that something handmade was a necessity. 

I found this adorable chevron baby blanket pattern on espacetricot's blog. I knew this would be the perfect blanket for my new niece. 

And it was fun and relaxing to knit. It was a very easy pattern to memorize which is exactly what I like when I'm not feeling well and just wanting to do something mindless to pass time. 

I finished this up Friday morning, exactly twenty-four hours before her baby shower. I soaked and washed it in baby detergent and blocked it. Amazingly, it was dry before I had to leave for her shower. But I literally had to wait until fifteen minutes before leaving to wrap it. And I may have had to take the hair dryer to it to lick up the last of the dampness. {wink}

I hope that she likes it. I'm so happy that I was able to make something that she'll be able to wrap her sweet little babe up in. 


  1. Wow Amber, how beautiful! You are sooo talented! Hope you and your family are feeling better soon. Prayers coming your way.


  2. That is such a beautiful blanket! I just love it and I know the mom to be will love it as well. So sorry you all have been sick lately. I hope you feel 100% again soon!

  3. so happy to hear youre feeling much better..
    love that blanket..

  4. Love the blanket, beautiful colors!

  5. Love the blanket, beautiful colors!


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