Monday, July 27, 2009

My Wheels Are Turning...

That's what Ian keeps telling me lately. "Mom," he says, "Your wheels are turning in your head." Very observant, that boy of mine is 'cause my wheels have been turning. And my head has been swarming with this...

I've been dreaming of crocs (the reptile, not the shoe), dragonflies, cattails, and moss since January. I've been painting and inhaling (not intentionally) noxious Sharpie fumes for months. I've been memorizing Bible Memory Buddies, Bible points, memory verses and dance moves for the past I forget how many months.

I've been recruiting and pleading with church attendees to help in the cause and get involved. I've been praying for both the known children as well as the nameless/faceless children that God will lead to our church for this event.

And the day has come. The week is here. It's all pulled together now (I pray.) The bayou's come to my part of the country for the week. And it's brought with it reptiles, lily pads, cypress trees, and a whole lot of God's Word.

Keep me in your prayers as I co-direct Vacation Bible School this week. And pray for the hearts of the children in attendance as well as the teachers and volunteers. Pray that God's light will shine brightly and that He would be made known.



Tolentreasures said...

Wow, your sets for VBS are amazing! Hope and pray that you have a great week!


Anonymous said...

Can you please tell me more about your church. My family is looking for a church and I would love to hear about a church that puts so much effort into the children.

Amber said...

Hi Anonymous! Are you local? If you give me an email address I can email you about our church.