Well, now that it's over, I can say it. I've been husbandless this week. Yes, my darling husband has been out of state for training for his job. I didn't want to post that while he was away 'cause you never know when some weirdo might be reading your blog. Ya know what I mean?
So I had pretty high expectations for myself this week. Since Brad was away, I knew I'd be up late 'cause I have a hard time sleeping when he's not home. So I planned on having a crafting marathon. I also planned to get the closet organized. All this after the kids were tucked cozily into bed.
Well, although I didn't get all of my crafting done, I did do some of this...

And made a few more of these...

I also got the closet completely organized so our bedroom which looked like this:

Now is back to normal and looks like this:

(Notice my barren walls. This room is a work in progress. It has been a slow but progressive transformation. Hence the reason we do not have window treatments yet.)
Look at this, ladies. I'm super-excited about this one:
No more baskets of laundry in my closet waiting to be carried to the laundry room in the basement. Nope. It all goes into this chute and straight down to the basement to be laundered. The kids think this is so cool that they actually pick up their dirty laundry without complaining! Yay! (Wonder how long before the novelty wears off?)

I love my husband. He is talented in so many ways. He also built these built-in shelves for me.

Oh, and I did take one night to do this:

While watching this:

Anyway, I'm glad this week is coming to an end. I miss Brad terribly when he's not home with me. And did I mention that my kids are completely off sleeping schedule due to the time change? Yeah. So I was going to bed at 1:00am and Lily was getting up between 5:00 and 5:30am. So I'm currently a little sleep-deprived and looking forward to a good night's sleep tonight with my man cuddled up beside me.
Enjoy your weekend!
You are just SO CRAFTY!!! I wish I could use a sewing machine. We have an old one. Lee uses it! LOL
Enjoy your weekend with your hubby! And enjoy cuddling tonight!
I LOVE your organization! I have a label maker too and use it every chance that I get. :) I always have a hard time getting to sleep when my husband is away too...I usually do a lot of cleaning and reading. :)
How fun to have some you time to craft and get organized! I always feel better when I complete projects that I have wanted to do for a while! :)
I need a label maker too! Can I borrow yours? or where did you get it?
LOVE all of your ideas! Come on over, I could use your motivation.
will I still see you in the morning?
enjoy your hubby being home!
Oh I love your closet!!!! Awesome! Great job you got done alot!!! Enjoy your hubbs. :0)
I just wanted to say I love reading your blog - Youve given me many ideas to do in my home.
I think its great you homeschool your children. Its something I would love to do but over here (UK) its hardly known about.
I LOVE the quilt youve made. Ive been thinking for a long time about making a quilt. Its something I would love to do but have know idea where to start! Ive kept some of my childrens baby clothes to make a quilt out of. The one you made is beautiful I have asked Father Christmas for a sewing machine so I can (hopefully) make one.
With love & hugs from across the pond!
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