Tuesday, May 24, 2016

outside play

It has been so gray, dreary, cold, and rainy here for way too long. When I woke up yesterday morning, the sun was actually out and the sky was blue and I was so, so happy. I'm telling you all, I do not tolerate gray days very well. Which is completely ironic since I live in Western Pennsylvania, which happens to be one of the least sunny places  in the United States. Really now. Go figure. 

Anyway, the sun was out yesterday when I woke up, and I immediately felt so much more energized and ready to go about my day. I had herbs, veggies, and flowers that I wanted to plant, and I had a big pile of my handspun yarn that needed heat-treated and hung out to dry. 

I managed to get all of the yarn simmered and pulled out of the pot and hung outside to dry. I'm not kidding when I say that a mere ten minutes after I hung out the skeins, Lily yelled into the house that it was thundering. I thought she was mistaken, but then the wind started to blow and the rain started to pour from the sky. Thankfully, Lily's warning gave me time to grab the skeins and put them on the back porch. 

It was a short-lived rain. It probably only lasted less than an hour, and then the sun did come out again and remained out the rest of the day. I can live with that. And while it rained, we ran to our neighbor's nursery and picked up a few hanging baskets and flowers. We also stopped and picked up a couple of fleeces that a neighbor was giving to me since she was literally just going to throw them away. (Gasp.) I have no idea what type of sheep she has; she didn't know either. Her son had bought them for her at an auction. However, I'll clean the wool and play around with it and see what it's like.

It ended up being a pretty productive day. The yarn dried. I got all of the plants into the raised beds. I prettied up our landscaping with some flowers. And I enjoyed doing all of these things while replenishing my vitamin D levels.


Rachel E. said...

I love how peaceful your place looks. Your gardens are nice. I love how organized they are.

Billie Jo said...

Same. Exactly the same here!
Good old Pennsylvania!
We finally saw the sun, sat outside, played Four Square, and took walks! Happy spring! Happy sun!

Zena said...

I'm glad you got your yarn in! Dreary days are awful. Your property is so beautiful. Lush green grass! We live in the Snowy Mountains in Australia and it is harsh dry bushland here. No soft grass to walk on. Always looking out for snakes! Although it always looks like the "grass is greener" doesn't it? Not have much sunny days is not good for you mentally or physically.

Simply Handmade Farmhouse said...

I love sunny days as well...I don't mind a rainy day here and there. But not day after day. Your home is lovely.

karen said...

beautiful photos!! how are you doing with your friends gone? are they safe in their new home yet?

Leslie Kimel said...

Your yarn is such pretty colors! How beautiful. I'm so glad you were able to rescue it from the rain. Those lights on your porch are so cute. The porch looks so cozy and inviting!

Mereknits said...

Your yarn is beautiful and so is that wonderful porch, I could easily sit there and knit while enjoying listening to the rain.
Hope your weekend is sunny,

Anita said...

I enjoy reading your blog. Thank you for sharing. I share your love of yarn and the beautiful outdoors!

Optimistic Existentialist said...

Making summer memories :) playing outside in the summer is a wonderful thing. Especially when there is ice cream involved!