What happened to our Christian heritage inclusion in our school's textbooks? Over the years, historians, with an agenda to revision our past, have attempted to erase the Christian principles and values that our country was founded on as well as the faith-lives of our founding fathers.
This 341-page book (it's the size of an average textbook) contains a huge amount of information and presents it in a very organized matter. Each of the 56 men that signed the Declaration of Independence are documented in this book.
There is a section devoted to each man, giving background information, information on each man's faith and family, samples of any works or speeches, accomplishments, and more. Each man's pencil portrait is included as well. The sections are divided up by state and then further by founding father. There are also discussion questions listed for each founding father at the end of each section.
In the front of the book, the author provides suggestions on using the book. He suggests it be used as one of the following: a year's worth of family devotion character studies (this is how we plan on using it); a self-study; a group study; or general inspirational reading.
The book also includes a photo of the original document and also a typed version of it for easier reading. There is also an index in the back of the book that contains additional information.
I have not read this book the whole way through. There's way too much information to take in in the short amount of time I have to review a book. However, I plan to use this with the kids during our school year as a character study as well as a history study. I think that this book is going to make a great supplement to our homeschooling American history studies.
I really cannot recommend this book enough. It was so refreshing to see a history book that got back to the roots and didn't try to water-down or deny our founding fathers' faith.
Highly recommended by this mama!
*I received a complimentary copy of this book from New Leaf Publishing Group in exchange for my honest review.*
Hi Amber,
Thank you so much for sharing this book! It's definitely something I want to purchase for our family! Like you said, it's great to have a book that doesn't water down the faith that our founding fathers based this nation on. I will purchase this to use for our family during devotional time! My husband will be excited about this one as well!
Thanks so much!
I attended our state's homeschool convention a few weeks ago and heard GREAT things about this book while I was there! I don't have a copy, but I'm keeping the title tucked in the back of my mind for when we study American history again. :)
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