These days of summer have been so full and good. Many days have been rainy and soggy, but we take full advantage of those peeks of sun.
The alternating sun/rain has proven to do wonders to our gardens. Things are growing like crazy out there! My cucumber and zucchini plants are FULL of blossoms. The snaps peas are climbing high and full. We've been enjoying greens, onions, herbs, and radishes for weeks now. The only things suffering are the kale (boo) and the spinach. This is not because it's not growing, but, rather, because we seem to have a mischievous bunny rabbit enjoying its fill of those things. (big boohoo)
And the cherries? Oh the cherries! Not counting the many we've popped into our mouths, we have picked and frozen four gallons of cherries from our one little cherry tree so far. I borrowed a cherry pitter
Our precious Midi contracted Lyme's Disease. I'm constantly pulling ticks out of that poor dog (not to mention our own bodies.) She was acting miserably sick last week. I waited and when she was still ill on the third day, I took her to the vet. She tested positive for Lyme's. She's been on an antibiotic now since last Friday and is back to her normal, energetic self.
The goats have settled in wonderfully. Oh do I love those little things! They are so fun, so affectionate (and also so mischievous!) They love attention. As soon as they see me out on the back deck in the morning, they start bleating and calling for attention. It's very endearing. What they probably really want is some hay, but I like to think they want to see me!
My little chicks are getting big. Our original ones that I purchased back in the early spring are now full-grown and are starting to lay eggs. The younger two batches are growing up. It's still a bit early for me to know which ones are roosters and which are hens (in the batch that we hatched.) I have my suspicions though. Some of those little ones are quite fiesty!
The kids found a boxer turtle in our back field yesterday. Oh my word, was it cute. I just can't help myself around things such as these. I really, really wanted to keep it as a pet because it was just so precious (as did the kids), but I told them that it was best that we put it back where we found it so it can go back to its home. I just could hardly stand that little face and those little feet!
I'm working on multiple yarn projects. I'm still working away at growing my stack of dishcloths. They're quick and, more importantly, practical. They're the only dishcloth I use anymore. They're sturdy and tough and pretty. I won't need all of the ones I have made so I will gift some and sell some in my booth this fall. I'm also crocheting this beautiful Alpine Frost Scarf. I typically have never enjoyed lacework in the past, but this is a nice, slow project. It's an easy stitch although it looks complicated and intricate. I adjusted the pattern so that it's double the width that the pattern called for so it will be more of a shawl than a scarf. Yesterday, I casted on a Low Tide. This Low Tide pattern by cabinfour is wonderful! It's an easy pattern, very meditative. I can sit there and knit and think or listen to Middlemarch on Audible without getting lost in the pattern. I'm using Cascade Yarn's 100% Peruvian sport weight yarn for this shawl.
I'm so excited to be able to attend the Beth Moore conference in Cincinatti this weekend. It's a LONG drive, 5.5 hours one way to be exact. We're leaving early Friday morning and will return Saturday night. My mom, sisters, and best friend are attending. It'll be a nice girls' weekend, and I love her conferences. They're so solid and Biblical. I've always come away encouraged and challenged when I've attended her conferences in the past. Since I'm driving, I took a couple of hours last evening to clean out our extremely messy car. Again, I was reminded why I do not want a new vehicle. Kids are hard on car interiors!!!! I did my best though. Vacuumed, dusted, scrubbed, wiped down windows. It's as good as it's going to get, ladies!
I hope you're all enjoying your summer. I know that ours has been very busy, but is starting to slow down a bit which is so nice. Maybe we'll have some of those lazy days of summer they all talk about?
love all the have such a beautiful place..The kids can play and run free..
poor doggie, hate ticks..
have a great rest of the week..
You didn't mention it, but are you reading the Bonhoeffer? I have a volume, perhaps the same one, on hold at the library. The kids and I entered a summer reading challenge hosted by our local homeschool supply/store; we have to read three fiction and two nonfiction selections at a minimum, so Bonhoeffer fits the bill. Lovely knitting, btw! Enjoy your conference!
Loved catching up on your pictures and post. You do such a lovely job Amber. Your pictures are always so beautiful, and all of your activities are delightful. Love those goats as well, and your crochet projects are always inspiring as well as your garden and harvesting. The egg/veggie dish looked amazing, something that would be devoured around here. The goat milking stand/stanchion that Brad built is wonderful; so glad for you. Steve has built me a couple of them over the years when we have had goats, and they do seem like something you can't do without once you have them. I have used a cherry pitter, and can't imagine doing them by hand. Love your cozy homestead and family. Many Blessings, Pam
frodo is a tick magnet and has lyme about three times now. he is on frontline plus (apply two days before or after a bath) and the vaccination. We STILL pull ticks off of him when they are rampant.
Love the lighting of your kitchen photo and your home looks cozy. summer days are so relaxing :)
Love the picture of the morning sun streaming through your kitchen. So peaceful!
Ugh... ticks! Megan had to take an antibiotic a few years ago for a mystery fever that developed a couple of days after we removed a tick. Thankfully it took care of her issue.
Enjoy your conference!
Amber, I love your knitting projects & your goats!! Have a great weekend, can't wait to hear about it!
THere is a new flea and tick treatment you can get at the vet that is an oral pill. It lasts 3 months. I am going to try it next month...
I enjoyed all these grea pictures of your place and family! The girls look like they are having a great time!
Hope you enjoy the Beth Moore Conference! :)
Looks so beautiful where you are my friend! From the smiles to the cherries! It is such a wonderful sight! And that first shot of your goat munching is adorable!!! Wishing you happy making this weekend! Nicole xo
I don't comment as much as I should (I have this issue with my computer that I cannot comment without logging out and logging back in..long story...). I just wanted to tell you that I always love your blog posts. I always find some parallel or think of something new. I love your collections and how you make your house so cozy. I love the stuff you do with your littles, your animals (the new additions too!), your faith and your gardens/food. I always find you a kindred spirit in the words of Anne of Green Gables. Just wanted to share a little love for you and this blog. <3
Books, yarn, nature, family and good food! My favorite things :). Thanks for sharing.
Your photos are lovely. Your home looks so welcoming and cosy. What a crazy spring this has been! We have had unseasonably HOT weather and very little of our usual wet stuff. It's felt like August. Many Blessings to you! Camille
Love all the pictures and the smiles and joy on your children's faces....making memories to last a lifetime. My youngest would love to have all those cherries, they are her favorite! Goats are so adorable! Glad to hear they are settling in nicely. Have a lovely evening.
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