I've come to really love my Kindle. Brad got it for me for Christmas a couple of years ago. I wasn't sure how much I would really use it. I've always been a reader, and part of the reading experience to me has always been the feel of the pages beneath my fingertips and the smell of a new book. Neither of those things are present when you're reading on an electronic device.
The thing I've grown to really love about it, is the that I can snuggle up in bed and read without bothering Brad with a lamp. And since most of my reading is done at night, having my Kindle means that I've been able to read a lot more than in my pre-Kindle days.
I just finished Unbroken: A World War II Story of Survival, Resilience, and Redemption
Wow. You must read this book. It's a hard read at times, but it's also such an encouraging book, seeing God's hand on Zamperini's life as he suffered through trials that really should have killed him. I finished it the other night, and now I'm trying to decide which book to read next. I have Far from the Madding Crowd
a classic that I got for free on my Kindle. But I also have several print books that I've been wanting to read: Bonhoeffer: Pastor, Martyr, Prophet, Spy
I guess you could say that I like historical books and autobiographies. That genre seems to be my first choice. I've also been listening to Crazy Love: Overwhelmed by a Relentless God
I've also been listening to Middlemarch
Oh, I do love to read. What are you reading?
Our Vacation Bible School is next week so I'm busy wrapping up last minute shopping and preparations. Unfortunately our family (minus Brad so far) has succumbed to a cold virus. I'm PRAYING that I'll feel decent for next week. I direct Bible school, but I also lead the opening and closing portions of each night's events so I'm really praying that I can quickly kick this virus' behind. I'm power-loading on vitamins and trying to get adequate sleep.
Last night we had our first "entirely-from-our-garden" salad. It was yummy. Several lettuces, arugula, radishes, and scallions. Yum. Topped with my homemade maple balsamic vinaigrette dressing, it was delish. And I can just imagine all of the good vitamins that are packed in all of those green leaves!
Hi Amber. My name is Mamey Brown. I'm in the Northeast as well. Upstate NY to be more specific....I LOVE your blog. I work a full time job at Social Services for 21 years, and have been married for 18 years June 14th. No children, but plenty of nieces and nephews to spoil....May I ask what brand of yarn do you use?? I LOVE it in the above pictures. I just read: I AM THAT GIRL by Alexis Jones, a good motivational/self-help, but I wish I would have read it when I was younger. (I am 43). Anyhoo. I'm reading The Rosie Project now for my book club meeting next Friday. I LOVE to read along with MANY other hobbies. Thanks for a great post today!!
Great reads! Hope you all are feeling better for VBS! We are getting ready for ours in two weeks!
I too am an avid reader. I just finished the case fir grace. Joe in my pile are: growing godly women mentoring teenage girls, the kindness diaries and love without limits about nick vujicic. I also love to crochet but only do easy stitches and blankets.
Looks like your garden is doing well. Here in Texas we grow roses gladiolus and dahlias. I'm also working on hollyhocks:).
Have a great weekend!
I also enjoyed crazy love
Figuring out how to borrow library books on my kindle was a game changer!!
Beauty from the garden and that view! Incredible! And I have yet to read from a kindle but you sparked my interest with not bothering your husband with the lamp which always is an issue when I want to read late! Hmm I may have to look into these! And thank you for your book suggestions! I hope that everyone gets better soon!!! Nicole xo
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