
Wednesday, December 17, 2014

much merriment

Life around here has been a whirlwind of bustle and activity as of late. I can't remember a November and December that has been as busy as this one has been. There were many mornings when I had thought about posting a least a short post on here, but it never got further than a thought.

We've been enjoying making much merriment. There has been cookie-baking and decorating. We've trimmed the tree and hung the stockings (the kids have already been filling them with notes and pictures to one another.) I've been extremely busy knitting and crocheting, completing and mailing orders. We had our Handmade Christmas Open House which turned out to be extremely successful and a lovely time. Lily and I attended the Nutcracker and spent a beautiful girl's day out. 

Oh, yes, there has been much merry-making around these parts. And there's also been a lot of gift-making. I'm still finishing up two gifts that I've been working on for the kids, keeping my fingers crossed that I get them finished in time. 

It's been a wonderful last month, and as I finish the last of several deadlines this week, I'm opening my eyes wide to the many gifts and blessings that surround me.

1 comment:

  1. Looks like wonderful memories are being made! Merry Christmas!


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