
Friday, December 19, 2014

cozy inside

Candles burning. Cozy blankets. Warm, soft, knitted sweaters. Holiday music. Pots full of hot soup and slices of homemade bread. These are some of the blessings I'm enjoying during this Christmas season.

Every season has its different blessings. Spring brings the gift of new beginnings, fresh air, open windows, warm breezes. Summer days fill the moments with warm, carefree play, working out in the warm soil, planting and enjoying the bounty of God's earth. Harvest is the gift of fall as are the beautiful painted trees that drip their diverse colors to the ground.

And this season? I have come to appreciate this season as a time of blessed rest. Time tucked away warm inside with family, playing games, crafting, reading aloud while snuggled on the couch. Ahhh. Yes, those are the moments that I love about this season. 

And how much brighter the lights shine on these short days and dark evenings. Have you ever gone out after dark and stared up at the vast sky of stars as the snow crunches under your boots? The vast expanse that always reminds me of the power and wonder of God. The beautiful, amazing stars, each one named by God. And this is the same God who knows my name, knows the number of hairs on my head, and who has caught each one of my tears in a bottle. The great Creator of the universe loves me more deeply than I can comprehend. This is what the winter sky always imprints upon the pages of my heart. God's amazing love.

And so I'm holding on tight to these moments of this winter season. I'm finding myself wanting them to last, this cozy warmth inside, the soft glowing of the candles, the time spent huddled together. As the months move on, my heart will begin to anticipate the new days of an invigorating and new spring, but for now I am quite content with enjoying these days of rest. 

Some of our favorite winter craft activities...
Wet felted geodes
Yarn Pom Poms
 Handmade Books
Giant Paper Snowflakes

Lily is modeling my Child's Hooded Fox Cowl


1 comment:

  1. The fox cowl is adorable! I may have to try making one myself. And the soup looks delicious. Great photos!


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