
Friday, July 11, 2014

bits and pieces

Fields full of daisies (amongst many other wildflowers) before the fields were cut...

Sleepy morning time... Cuddling up under handmade afghans while slowly waking up...

Snapshots of a little girl's room...

Tending to the many herbs and veggies that are beginning to grace our family table each meal...

Homemade black currant jelly from a new friend...

Projects in progress. There are always several of these going on...

Side porch swinging on summer nights...

Enjoying the clean and uncluttered spaces in our home...

Some of what I've been reading (when I can)...

Spending time out in the pasture with the alpacas. One of the things they are loving these hot, humid days are spray-downs with the hose. It's quite amusing and endearing...

Enjoying our fresh eggs in many forms and fashions on an almost daily basis...

Enjoying browsing my cookbooks for new, light recipes and trying to decide on a few more cookbooks that have caught my eye recently (like this one and this one...

Midi has taken up permanent residency on the back deck during the day. Note to self: leave nothing of worth on the deck (two pairs of flip-flops lost in one week's time.)


  1. Sounds like you're having wonderful days :) Love all your photos, they are just beautiful.

  2. such beautiful have a very warm and loving home..
    take care,


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