
Friday, July 18, 2014

A day to slow down...

The photos are definitely sub-par this week, having been taken with my iPod rather than my regular Nikon. It was that kind of week, though. I may have picked up the Nikon once this week. The rest of the time, it was easier to slip the iPod in my back pocket and go.

Ian and Lily took summer classes at a local-ish college this week. This meant that I had to live the life of a regular school mom - lunches packed, clothes set out, bags ready to go the night before; up early, hurriedly make and eat breakfast, etc. I was reminded again how much I appreciate the perks of homeschooling. I remember telling Brad that I was soooo happy that I didn't have to do this everyday like a lot of moms I know. Kudos to you mamas who have to be organized and ready to send your kiddos out the door at a way-too-early hour each morning. 

I spent a lot of time (much more than usual) driving and in the car this week since the college is about a 45-minute drive from our home. The pros of that were that we were able to listen to quite a bit of the audiobook that we are currently enjoying. We typically don't get large chunks of time to get enthralled in audio books since most of our travel is local. So that was a positive thing.

Another wonderful thing was that while the kids were in their classes, I had the whole morning to sit and knit and enjoy chatting with my friend Claire, whose children were also attending classes. It felt like a bit of a guilty pleasure. Just sitting. And drinking coffee. And talking. And knitting. 

Needless to say, I am a morning person so by the time I got home in the afternoon, I felt pretty much useless. That's how I am. I do my best work first thing in the morning. Lunchtime comes, and my energy levels (and ambition) start to dwindle down. So, I didn't get as much done this week as I would have liked, but the kids had an awesome time and Claire and I had some much-needed mommy time. 

Today, though, oh it feels wonderful to have no plans other than laundry and other house/garden things. I like these kind of days ~ days when I don't have to be anywhere, days when I can concentrate on and enjoy home.

1 comment:

  1. I could spend all day at that stream.

    I know what you mean about the luxury of not rushing. My husband and I are opposite shifts, so I can just leave for my part time work when I'm ready. My co-worker has to ready her kids and drop them off at separate places. I can't imagine.


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