
Monday, June 2, 2014

girls' weekend

Lily and I had a girls' weekend this past Friday through Sunday. Brad and Ian went camping and kayaking with friends for the weekend, so we were left at home to enjoy the weekend however we wanted.

At first, I thought that maybe I should plan something fun and exciting since we hardly ever get this big chunk of time to spend together. But then we both just decided to hang around home and relax. Our weekend mostly consisted of staying up really late watching movies, eating a bit unhealthier than what we're used to (and we were both feeling the repercussions of this by Sunday, I must add), and hanging around outside.

We enjoyed our meals al fresco. Drank our morning coffee/tea out on the back deck. Ate coconut milk ice cream for dinner Saturday evening and then enjoyed salmon cakes, carrot sticks, and hummus at 10pm that night while we watched our movie.

We visited with some friends Saturday morning. We planned our next sewing project (I'm itching to make a quilt.) I finished another Honey Cowl and started crocheting some of these really cute headbands. Lily took me for multiple rides around the property on the quad (she just  recently learned how to drive it and loves giving rides now.) 

And each night, we snuggled up together in my bed. I loved waking up each morning and seeing her cute little sleeping face! But, oh, how grown-up she is beginning to look. Lately, she has seemed to blossom, growing taller, growing more mature, growing out of clothes and shoes! It's hard to believe that our baby of the family is already eight years old.


  1. sounds like such a happy time for you nice to spend the weekend enjoying the house and each other's company..
    god bless..

  2. It's so nice the two of you had some special time together. I try to do this occasionally with my daughter. I especially like the idea of Ice cream for dinner - yum!


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