
Thursday, May 29, 2014

a morning of worship...

I spent the first hour of this day outside enjoying the misty spring morning. The clouds hung low but thin, just the perfect combination to make the season's green pop saturated in deep color against the grayish background.

I love these mornings. Mornings when I can enjoy our animals, water my plants, tend to our gardens, all with the keen awareness that all of these things are blessings from God. A friend and I were speaking at Bible study last night about how much God's creation and nature speaks to our souls. We are both creative spirits, both thriving when able to create and express ourselves, and I think this is maybe why God's creation speaks so deeply to my soul.

I worship THE Creator of all good things.

These plants that spring forth to feed our family. These flowers that I cut to adorn our table. The animals that tread on our land. The vast sky, whether blue or gray, that spans wide across and above. The rich, green forest that I see everyday out my kitchen window. These are all creations from my Creator.

And because of this, almost every time I am out in this creation, I find myself in the posture of worship of God. I can't help but to worship and praise Him. As my friend said last evening, "His imagination is endless." And He blesses us with these gifts He has made.

Think about that.

The God of the universe has given us this glorious world around us and all He has made as a good gift to us.

This is why I feel so close to Him when I am out tending my gardens. Or when I'm hand-feeding my alpacas or talking to my chickens or rabbits.

I count these as gifts from my Father. Gifts that He gives to me out of love. Not material gifts. Not financial wealth. But a wealth so much more abundant and lasting.

So how could I not worship Him?

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