
Thursday, May 1, 2014

So very busy

I've received several emails expressing concern about my absence from my blog. I am still here, and we are all well. But we've seemed to catch the alpaca fever that I've read often happens. And that has been a very big distraction and time-sapper.

We've been very, very busy getting ready for our newest farm additions. Majestico and Gander are scheduled to arrive here this Saturday. And since I last posted, we purchased two additional alpacas from another alpaca farm. That purchase included two white male huacayas. So we will have two male suris and two male huacayas here on our humble little farm by mid-May.

So not only have we been busy building the barn and putting up fencing and such, but I've been busy trying to tie together all of the little details that are necessary to tie up. Add to that our dwindling-down school year, spring garden preparations, preparation for Vacation Bible School which I'm co-directing, and a meager attempt to do a bit of spring cleaning and purging, and I've hardly had the mental capacity to piece together words for a coherent blog post.

I do have so much to share and say, but oh my mind just can't stand still long enough to put words down on this cyber-page. I trust that will come back to me though. Will you hang in there with me?


  1. I was just wondering about you the other day. I am glad to hear that things are going well. It sounds like you are having a good kind of busy!

  2. All sounds so exciting. They are so ptetty.

  3. Can't wait to hear more about your alpacas! Such awesome things going on over in your woods.

    We're working on a chicken coop ourselves, and just got our third colony of bees. Unfortunately, not a third to add, but our third "try". Our last colony, already weak, starved during a winter cold spell when they couldn't get up to the feeder. Hope third time is a charm...

    Looking forward to hearing more!

  4. It all sounds wonderful.
    Enjoy and be blessed.

  5. Oh Amber,

    I can't wait to hear about your new adventure. I so enjoy your blog and I will definitely be hanging in! : )



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