
Monday, May 5, 2014

a special delivery

Our alpacas were delivered this past Saturday. Frank and Peggy were kind enough to bring them to our home since we haven't quite figured out a transportation method yet.

Since their delivery, we have all spent much time just sitting out in the pasture with them, listening to their delightful humming, watching them graze, and hoping that our frequent presence would encourage them to feel comfortable around us. They are such beautiful animals. And I have found their presence to be very stress-relieving.

We are taking them to be shorn next week at a large alpaca farm in the area. We will be traveling there with two alpacas and coming home with four. Four alpacas and lots of wonderful fleece. Brad and I are looking forward to the experience. We're looking forward to helping in whatever way we can and learning from the more experienced alpaca owners that will be there.

And these handsome guys are keeping themselves quite entertained by the chicken yard next door. They've spent many moments peering through the fence, intently observing the chicks. It's quite endearing.


  1. They are so wonderful to see. They look right at home in your pasture. Sweet photo of the lids with them. I have extremely high stress levels. I could use a few. But for now I will enjoy all you share. TY

  2. oh wow, how pretty they are..
    what a beautiful place, such green place..It would be nice to sit out on the porch looking at all that beautiful green and those beautiful animals..
    have a wonderful Mother's Day..


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