
Monday, March 24, 2014


Saturday afternoon...

 Sunday afternoon...
Sunday evening...
What was completed by Sunday quitting time (I took this photo this morning as it was dark when they finished up last night.)...
Very early this morning... (Working even before the official paid "work" day started.)
This little guy is extremely excited about all of this...
Even Midi wants in on all of the fun...
My wonderful, hard-working man...
My equally wonderful, hard-working dad...
What can I say? He's a boy. He likes to climb stuff.
We (well, I should mostly say "they") really accomplished a lot on the alpaca barn this weekend. Brad, my dad, and I worked together to set and cement the poles Friday evening. 

On Saturday, Brad, Sergei, and my dad worked on getting more structural work done. 

Yesterday was our big work day. Oh, I know some of you will probably disapprove of us for working on the Sabbath. I know. We don't usually do that kind of thing, but it's when we could get the most help, and time is of the essence with the alpacas. Although Peggy and Frank assured us that they would keep the alpacas until we have the barn done, we do not want to take advantage of their kindness. So it's head down and plow-on for us. 

Yesterday was so frigid. It was in the low to mid-20's all day. I felt so bad for the guys. Brad, Sergei, my dad, and Brad's dad came out after church and worked solid until 6:30pm. I made a big turkey dinner for everyone last night. They came in and ate and got right back to work, working until a bit after dark.

I really do appreciate the time they all gave to work on this. It was such a miserably cold day out yesterday, and I know that they were all frozen. But those hard-working men worked on despite of the bitter cold. 

Brad and my dad took two trucks out to the local sawmill before the sun was even up this morning to pick up our order of rough cut lumber that will be used on the sides of the barn. Brad is hoping to start installing the shingles on the roof tonight after work. His friend may be coming over to help. I'm more than happy to feed bellies in exchange for much-appreciated (so very much appreciated) help.

I'm getting so very excited about this adventure. So very excited.


  1. I love alpacas! They are so cute! Someday if we are ever fortunate enough to own a few acres we hope to get some.

    Great job on the barn.

  2. Your barn is coming along well. Those majestic creatures will like there new home. I love how you can view from the house.


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