
Tuesday, March 25, 2014

her first quilt

Well, she finished it. Her very first machine-sewn project.

And just in time, I must add, since the recipient is going to be needing it within the next day or so. 

You see, this little quilt is for the newest member of our family. My sister-in-law is in the hospital right this moment in the midst of that glorious, but oh-so-painful, thing we know as labor. And {hopefully} she will be delivering her and her husband's very first baby very soon. A baby girl. 

Lily is so excited to give this to her. She even stitched a drawstring bag out of a vintage sheet (or pillowcase, I can't remember) to wrap it in. And I'm hoping that today by dinnertime, we'll be able to take the short trip to the hospital to see the new baby.

And if you think about it, please say a prayer for my sister-in-law. Her name is Amber, too. She's pretty nervous about this whole thing, as all first-time mommies are.


  1. Great job, Lily! Enjoy your snuggles with the newest addition. Nothing like the smell of a newborn babe!

  2. wow, thats so pretty...She did a great job...
    praying all goes smoothly for your sil..
    take care,

  3. Praying for your sister-in-law! How exciting to have a new baby in the family.

    Your daughter did a beautiful job on her quilt.

    Have a great day.

  4. Prayer for your sis law. Beautiful quilt. This will be a treasured keepsake for the wee one. Good job Lily.

  5. Wow, are one great seamstress!!


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