
Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Time Away

Brad and I took the first of our semi-annual trips north this past Sunday and Monday. We stay here, and if you're local I highly recommend the Gateway Lodge. It is so quiet and cozy and relaxing (kids are not permitted which is why it's so quiet and relaxing!) We've been staying here for probably five years now, and it's always such an awesome time to reconnect and recharge. It was quite cold this past weekend, and we even experienced snow flurries. We were able to fit in a nice hike (although a very cold hike) yesterday before heading home. And the rest of the stay, the cold, rainy/snowy weather gave us a good excuse to stay cozied up in front of the fireplace in our suite. :) (Like I really need an excuse to do that!)

I just wanted to remind you that if you are interested in learning a bit more about our family's homesteading journey, the first of the five-part series "How We Homestead" starts tomorrow. The first week's topic is "How It All Began." I will be writing about how our journey into homesteading started, and I'll also be linking up to the four other bloggers that are participating in the series.

Have a wonderful day!


  1. Your trip sounds awesome! It's great to get away every once in a while to recharge and I'm sure it's even more important when you have kids!

    Can't wait to read how your homesteading journey began in the series tomorrow :)

  2. Hooray that you were able to get away. The photo is adorable. :)

  3. So happy you were able to get away! Ironically, Jeff and I just got home from the Gateway yesterday! This was our second year we celebrated our anniversary there (16 years together now!) We checked in Monday as you were checking out. It was a lovely, peaceful back to work I go. :)


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