
Friday, May 10, 2013

New Homesteading Series

Good Friday to everyone! This has been kind of a trying, challenging week for us, so I'm really very happy that it is indeed Friday!

I'm writing to invite my readers to tune in each Wednesday for the next five weeks for a homesteading series that Staci from Life at Cobble Hill Farm has organized. The official title of this new series is "How We Homestead."

If you're thinking about starting up your own little homestead or are simply interested in learning more about this lifestyle, I encourage you to tune in each Wednesday and read the stories of five different bloggers and their homesteading/self-sufficiency journey. We're all at different stages in our journeys so I think it will offer a nice variety of information.

In addition to myself, four other bloggers will be featuring homesteading-specific posts at their blogs each Wednesday.

Daisy from Maple Hill 101

The first post of the series starts next Wednesday, May 15th. Hope you join us!


  1. What a beautiful blog Barbara! I am glad you found my blog so I could find you. I'm going to take a good look the home based blogs!

  2. I am so sorry, I meant Amber...I should wait until after my morning coffee to comment. ;-)

  3. So happy you're a part of the series Amber! Can't wait to read what everyone writes. :)

  4. I am looking forward to checking out this series.

    Sorry that you haven't had the best week. :( I hope you weekend is great!

  5. So excited for the series! Yay! Love the eggs in your photo; they are so pretty!

  6. Thanks for that...I bookmarked the link. I hope you have a nice mother's day. I bet your 2 hours went fast when you had the house to yourself! Once (when I had an infant) I went to the drugstore and my husband had to call me, he thought I got lost or something..ha...I just was wandering around and enjoying solitude!

  7. Oh I am going to enjoy this series. B


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