
Friday, May 3, 2013

lemonade days

It's been lemonade weather around here. I usually always keep a bag of lemons stocked in the fridge, even through the winter months because I do use fresh lemon juice in salad dressings that I make. Last night, after a full day out in the warm spring air, Lily wanted to make fresh-squeezed lemonade. She's helped me enough in the past that she was able to do it completely independently. I was so proud of her. And she was so proud to have made it to accompany our dinner last night. It's the simple things, you know?

I started some of my herb seeds earlier this week. Rosemary, sweet basil, dill, and cilantro. Things that aren't quite ready to be planted into the earth which is just a tad bit too cool still. These should be ready to transplant into my beds by the end of the month which will be perfect timing. 

I've been knitting away on the cowls pictured above. I'm doing some commission work, and I'm trying to get a nice variety of colors for my customer to choose from. Whatever she doesn't buy will get listed in Serendipitee Crochet or put back in my art fair stash. I'm having so much fun knitting these cowls. It's so relaxing. 

I just picked up some amazing handmade soap Wednesday after my acupuncturist appointment. Riverhouse Bath and Body is right next door so I browsed for the first time after my appointment. I bought two bars of "Baby Cakes" which is a completely all-natural, very mild soap and Lily chose a bar of the cherry soap. I also picked up a cake of "Blackberry Amber" wax to use in my wax warmer. My house smells amazing this morning, and Lily and I used the Baby Cakes last night. Oh my, what luxury! Oh the suds! I love a sudsy soap! Anyway, I just found that Kelly does have an online Etsy shop, but if you're local you really should stop in sometime because she has so many more in her shop than are on her website.. She does have limited hours so be sure to check her Facebook page before heading out.

Well, friends, have a most blessed weekend! It's supposed to be absolutely sunshiny gorgeous around here so I imagine we'll be spending most of our weekend outdoors (just the way I prefer it.) 


  1. Nice pics! I love making lemonade like that. So refreshing looking/tasting. Good old fashioned lemonade...has vitamin C...a good summer pick.

    I love homemade soap. So pretty, yet I can't eat it and it won't give me calories..ha..

    It is easy/fun to make. you should learn how. I have one of my first older posts on it with links to watch videos and where to get supplies. Very cheap to make too. This week I made lemon scented soap and plain soap. I think I prefer plain the best, although baby powder scent is nice.

  2. We have been having lemondade weather also. We call it "sunshine in a glass."

    Making soap is on my list (very long list) of things I would like to try.

    Have a great weekend!

  3. Love the pics and yummy lemonade. Makes me miss having my lemon tree at our previous house.

    Love homemade soap, always buy it at the Renaissance Festival.

    Have a wonderful Friday and a great weekend outdoors :)

  4. Hello Amber,
    I think it is so special that your daughter loves to do all the sweet homemaking skills that she has watched you do. She has her Mother's artistic gifting.
    Happy Mothers Day!
    Blessings, Roxy

  5. It's finally lemonade season here too and it looks delicious!! The soap sounds amazing - I never thought of cherry soap but I must add that to my list of scents I would like to make. :) Just planted some herbs, peas and a few other things in the garden this weekend. Fingers crossed no more frost!


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