
Monday, May 6, 2013


What is it about the great big wild forest that makes it so much easier to breathe? To breathe deepThe breathing that fills the lungs full and empties the mind of stress and worries.

We traveled north over the weekend to spend the day at one of our most treasured family spots. We spent hours hiking up over one side of the mountain and then back down again. We spent time examining fungus, deteriorating tree trunks, big moss-covered rocks, and many other inspiring things nature holds. 

And it was done with a relatively small amount of bickering, whining, and complaining. Somehow the forest has a way of quieting even the mouths and spirits of the youngest ones. (The car ride there and back can be a quite different story.)

God's gorgeous, amazing creation never ceases to leave me awestruck and inspired. So many living things. So many deep, rich colors. So many textures. He's the master Artist. And His creation is one of His many amazing love-filled gifts for us.


  1. It looks like you have a highly athletic family. We haven't done anything like that. Looks fun.

  2. I love all your photos! Looks like you guys had a really great time. I feel the same way about the woods! For me it is such a spiritual experience being surrounded by God's creation and all the beauty. It doesn't get any better for me :)

    Just wanted to stop by from Staci's blog (and email) to say hello! Loving your blog so far and can't wait to go back and check out some past posts :)


  3. Neat! I used to go to cook's forest alot when young and living in western pa. Also parker dad used to drag us swimming there...brrr...the water was always cold!

  4. Hi Amber! I'm here from Staci's blog. What beautiful photos! It looks like a gorgeous trip, and a wonderful day.

  5. Beautiful photos Amber! That last one of the ferns is spectacular. :)

  6. what a wonderful trip, looks like so much fun for everyone.

  7. those ferns look cute.....loving country life,aren't u?


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