
Friday, February 15, 2013

crochet projects (completed and in the works)

I finally finished the infinity scarf I was working on for myself. I've made so many of this pattern for customers, and I've never had the chance to make one for myself. So when my hubby brought this 100% local alpaca yarn home, I KNEW that I was going to make a scarf for myself with one of the hanks!

The wonderful people that raise the alpacas that this fiber came from actually gave us the two hanks of yarn for free. My husband works with their son. And when he found out that I crocheted and was a yarn collector, he brought two hanks to Brad for me. I am in awe at their generosity in just giving me yarn. For free. Who does that anymore?! They do not sell online {from what I understand, they sell at local fairs and such}, but you can learn about their alpaca farm, Above All Alpacas, here.  We're already planning a family visit to their farm for sometime in the spring.

I LOVE this scarf. Actually, I love the yarn. The yarn really does make a huge difference in the quality of a crochet project. Items made with natural fibers have a different look. I do work with acrylic yarns, and other man-made yarns, but I definitely prefer a natural yarn or at least a blend of natural fiber and man-made fiber. They just feel better, different, when working with them. 

I also recently started this sweater for Lily. I bought the pattern and the yarn last winter, and I never got around to starting it. I started it last week, and I've really enjoyed the pattern and the yarn. This is one of those exceptions where I'm actually using an acrylic yarn and enjoying it. This particular yarn is Hobby Lobby's "I Love This Yarn" brand. I ordered this online since we do not have a Hobby Lobby in PA, and I wasn't sure what to expect. But it works up just like butter. It's incredibly soft and strangely smooth for an acrylic yarn. And $3.99 for a 355 yard skein really can't be beat!

Going into this sweater project, I didn't want to buy a more expensive natural fiber on my first time through. You know, just in case it didn't work out. But now that I know that this is a great pattern, I will keep it and reuse it with a natural yarn in the future. I'm already thinking of yarn possibilities.  I love Holland Designs patterns. I just bought a few more of her patterns the other day. Go check her out.

I also just purchased this yarn in winesap from Quince & Co. to use for this vest I'm going to be making for myself. I'm really excited and can't wait to get this in the mail. Opening a shipment of yarn is like opening a box full of books from amazon! It thrills me!

We have homeschool co-op here in a couple of hours so I need to go get ready for that. Have a most blessed Friday and weekend!


  1. Beautiful Scarves... All your projects are inspiring. I love that you got some Alpaca yarn. My daughters (Marie and Elizabeth) have been getting the itch to get an alpaca and start spinning the yarn. Their two famiies just bought a little acreage together, and they have the goats and chickens (which will probably take up most of their time for a while), and have looked into the alpacas. I would love to be near them and do it with them. It is so sweet to see how your daughter crochets along with you.

  2. Beautiful and such a pretty color :)


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