
Monday, February 11, 2013

a weekend of celebrating

What a fun {long} weekend of celebrating our little girl's seventh birthday! She had a day out at the movies with the family, friends over for a craft party, and then finished it off with a family dinner party last evening.  And in between those celebrations, we threw in a bit of school, crocheting, painting, and cleaning. It was a busy few days, and I will admit to a sigh of relief last night while washing dishes after the last of the guests left.

I did make this lemon cake. Oh boy, is this cake so far from healthy. Over a pound and a half of butter between the cake, the curd, and the frosting! The cake portion actually tastes like a pound cake. I got mixed reviews from it. Those that liked lemon, gave it a big thumbs up. Those that weren't crazy for lemon desserts, could have done without it. But I suppose that's because this cake was very lemony - lemon cake, lemon curd, lemon frosting.

Lily received some spectacular gifts for her birthday. We got her a few matching outfits for her and her doll. I also made her an infinity scarf {she was so excited!} A friend of mine parted with one of her old sewing machines, and we claimed it and gave it to Lily as a gift. She was super excited to get her very own sewing machine. Then my mom gave her a "real" sewing basket filled with all kinds of sewing notions. This girl is all set now!

She received many other wonderful gifts - a LeapPad from her other set of grandparents, wooden beads, alphabet beads, walkie-talkies {so her and her cousin can talk back and forth}, a game, a book, and some other things. She made out.

Today's to-do list includes laundry, some clean-up/organizing, school lessons, and whatever else comes our way. So I best get started. Have a blessed day!


  1. Fun! The pictures with the candles are wonderful. I love that she received creative gifts.

  2. That's my kind of cake! Yeah!

    The pictures are great. Such a beautiful girl.

  3. Awwwww a sewing machine, what a lucky girl :)

    Happy Birthday to her. She's adorable :)


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