
Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Handmade Christmas Open House Wrap-Up

So I mentioned that I was organizing a handmade open house at my home. Well, we held it this past Saturday, and it was a HUGE success.

There were seven artists/crafters that brought their handmade items to my home. I will admit I felt a bit overwhelmed when everyone emptied their goods into my small, humble house. I wasn't sure how we were going to fit it all in, especially in an organized fashion! But it pulled together wonderfully. In fact, my living room looked like a cute little specialty shop.

We opened the doors at 2pm and there was a big rush of people. It was quiet tight in our little home there for a few hours. But it was so encouraging to have such a great turnout! And we all had a great time!

And I can say that I am officially in the black now. Financially, that is. It feels good not to be in debt to my yarn addiction anymore. Yippee!!!!

Here are a few photos from the event. Unfortunately, I didn't think of getting a group shot of all of us artists together until the next day. Boohoo. :(

 (Photo above and below, courtesy of Samantha)

 My boot cuffs I whipped out the night before the sale. I had my sister model them since I didn't have the right kind of boots for them!

 (Pic above and below, courtesy of Samantha)

 (Pic above and below, courtesy of Samantha)

I'm going to try to post my items that are still available to purchase on here within the next couple of days. I realize that most of you are not local, but I am willing to ship items ($5.00 additional fee) and payment can be done through Paypal (and you do not have to have a Paypal account for this.)

So as you can see, I had been quite busy preparing for this event which is why my blog has been so neglected. I have several custom orders that I need to make, but after those are done I will (hopefully) get back to blogging more consistently! Because I do enjoy that!

Have a blessed day!

You can see several of the artists' work displayed at All Dandy Art Gallery in Smicksburg, PA. If you are local, the gallery is holding their First Friday Opening Event this Friday night from 6pm - 9pm where you can meet the artists, enjoy some local wine, and taste some yummy treats.


  1. What fun! I would enjoy attending an event like that.

  2. so glad it went so well for you!

  3. by the way, all of the things you have done (the pumpkin hats/women hats, etc) are all beautiful...but when i saw those scarves i lost all self control... hehehehe....


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