
Wednesday, November 21, 2012

A "thank you", a glimpse, and awesome deals at Dayspring!

You are all so sweet. I received so many comments and emails that just completely blessed me. Thanks to those of you who opened up about your own struggles with anxiety and depression. I think it's so helpful to know that you're not alone in your struggles so it's so encouraging when we open up to one another.

So far all of my bloodwork has come back normal (well, all but one thing, but see below for that.) And I'm actually feeling a lot better. Still a little achy and tired, but so much better than previously as far as the sickness goes. So, I'm thinking that I've just had a virus of some sort that is quite resilient and long-lasting.

The only thing that did come back abnormal was my Vitamin D level. It came back 25.8. Normal is 30-80. So it's pretty low. I started Vitamin D supplements right away and ordered fermented cod liver oil (I know. Sounds sooooo appetizing!) It came yesterday, so I've been boosting myself up with Vitamin D and Vitamin C. Low levels of Vitamin D can cause depression and other mental struggles so I'm thinking that this supplement will definitely help. Along with a light therapy box that I'll be ordering shortly. Western PA is known for its dreary winter days.

I really appreciate all of my real-life friends and family and my blog readers. I have felt very lifted up in prayer over these last several days. So thank you SOOOOOOOOOO much.

Moving on...

I snapped some photos last night right before we sat down for dinner. The only thing missing on the table is the big pot of ham and bean soup my sweet mother blessed us with...

 (The candle was a birthday gift from my sweetie and the flowers from a friend of mine.)

After dinner, we headed out with flashlights and took a little night time excursion. Just a few minutes to breath the fresh air and look at the stars. It was wonderful. I've actually been trying to do that every night.

Then we came in, popped some popcorn, brewed a kettle of hot tea, and settled in for the evening with some board games. Blokus is one of our favorites.


Then this morning, Ian and Lily and I started our Thanksgiving baking. I always make the pumpkin pies and the paska (Ukrainian bread.) The house smells pretty wonderful right now.

And last of all, I want to share with all of you an awesome sale that Dayspring is having right now. It's been a while since I've shared a Dayspring sale, but this one is pretty awesome and would be great for some of those Christmas gifts you'll be looking to purchase.

They are having a super sale (a.k.a. extreme clearance) on some of their items right now, and this one is the most exciting to me because there are multiple items on clearance that have been on my wishlist for a long time! If you click the link below, you'll be redirected to the clearance page.

Then their Ever Grateful collection is on sale for 50% off! I love these pieces and own several of them. They are beautiful and inspiring!

And to top it all off, you can get 30% off of your entire purchase (excluding those super deals I was talking about up above in the first link) when you use the code 30SUPER at checkout. You can use the link below to go to Dayspring's site.

And just so you know, I am an affiliate with Dayspring which means if you click through one of these dandy links on my blog and make a purchase, I will get a small kickback from Dayspring. I just like to let you all know! And I do appreciate when you do purchase through my blog!

Oh, and I almost forgot. In lieu of the craft show that I was supposed to be attending on December 1st, I am actually hosting an open house at my home on that day. It will be from 2pm-8pm, come and go as you please. We will be serving some finger foods and beverages. There will be six local artists here offering their creations.

We've got a little bit of everything - handmade cards, framed pictures, vinyl wall art, crocheted items (you know that's mine. wink.), jewelry, hair accessories for young girls, Christmas decor and ornaments, handmade 18" doll clothing, and photography.

Here's just a sampling...

I'm really looking forward to it! So if you're local, I would love to see you at my home on December 1st sometime between 2 and 8. K? ;)

Well, have a most blessed day, you lovely ladies.

And I pray that you have a most wonderful, blessed day of thanksgiving tomorrow!


  1. I'm glad you are feeling better! I'm also happy for you, that you received some answers in regard to your depression symptoms. As you know, Vitamin D is a life saver for me personally, as well! :) Have a Happy Thanksgiving!

  2. I am happy to hear that you are doing better. Wishing you a wonderful Thanksgiving!

  3. Yeah I have been taking Lexapro for anxiety and depression for many years. Helped a lot with the anxiety. Not too much with the depression. When I take Vit D and Fish Oil I feel better.
    Pamela RN

  4. here's a comment not really relating...but your home is so quaint and cozy!!! saw that your area had some snow this past weekend! blessings!


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