
Monday, August 15, 2011

Some Living Proof Fun

(No, I did not take this pic because I idolize Beth and just had to take a picture of her. I took it strictly for blogging purposes, and because she's just so darn cute.)

(My friend Liz and I)

( I sincerely apologize to the owner of that derriere there in the right hand corner. It's kind of in the spotlight here. Sincerest apologies.)

(Mediterranean food enjoyed take-out style in the hotel room - Lamb, rice, hummus, and stuffed grape leaves for me. Delish.)

(Can you believe I experienced my first Starbucks on this trip? I'm kind of one of those gals that naturally opposes anything that everyone else makes a big deal about. Like Starbucks, for example. I've always thought of it as over-rated, expensive coffee. Well, I think I may have changed my mind. It was really yummy, expensive coffee. And we made two trips. And I enjoyed my iced vanilla soy lattes very much, thank you.)

Know the really cool thing about Beth Moore's conferences? She teaches on whatever God lays on her heart for each particular conference in each particular city. This means that she spends the prior two weeks putting together her ideas. These conferences are tailor-made by God. He knows what the women in each city are going to need to hear.

This year, the topic was PREPARE. Oh boy, was it good. And now I'm preparing for some things that I know God has in store for me. Did you all know that God prepared in advance (before this world was even created, in fact) for the good works that He preordained for you to complete for His glory? Pretty amazing, huh?

Blessings and love to you all!


  1. I LOVE Beth! I went to one of her conferences 3 years ago and it was amazing. I look forward to when I can attend another one!

  2. Can I go with you next time? I have not been able to find a group doing a Beth Moore study for a while, and I miss it so much. Glad you had a great time.


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