
Friday, August 12, 2011

Counting Down...

Two weeks and counting. Can you believe it? Are you all ready for school to start again?

In our home, we have the two younger ones continuing with our homeschooling lessons. My 7-year-old, Ian, is reading independently now (yay! yippee! woohoo!) so I'm hoping that lightens my load a little since he'll be able to work a little more independently when it comes to reading directions and reading some easier books.

Lily, on the other hand, is going to require most of my attention. Poor little thing hasn't even been taught her letter sounds yet. This was my goal for her for our last school year, but with our difficult adoption transition, her education got put on hold. (She was only four-years-old at the time.) I'm a firm believer in letting kids be kids, not rushing things. And, quite honestly, I don't think she was even ready since when I did finally get around to starting letter identification and sounds, it took her almost a month to remember the sound that the letter "A" makes. But I trust that it will come. It came with Ian. Reading readiness, that is.

Sergei will be attending a local Christian academy this year. I'm super-excited about this! We were on an extensive waiting list, but the school called last month and said that they miraculously had a spot open and none of the families in front of us on the list could commit. That was totally a God-thing.

We made this decision because we felt it was very important for Sergei to have more positive influences in his life during his school hours. The public school he was attending was working academically, but not in the spiritual aspect.

I realize that he will still face temptations and negative peer pressure at the Christian school, but the school has parameters in place to prevent some of it. And, more importantly, the adults he will have contact with (teachers, administrators) are all born-again believers. He'll be taking a Bible class everyday and attending chapel once a week in addition to his other classes.

He started soccer practice for the school's team this week, and he's really loving it. He really likes the coaches and the other kids and has made some new friends. I'm really excited about this opportunity God has given us to send him there.

I'm heading out this morning on a five hour road trip to Columbus, OH, for the Beth Moore conference. I'm super excited. Spending time with my mom, sister, and our pastor's wife, Liz, and being able to listen to what God has placed on Beth Moore's heart to teach on sounds like a wonderful time. And guess what? I still need to pack! Better go!

Have a blessed weekend!


  1. It is hard to believe that it is time for school to begin again. I have been doing a little catching up. I know you are so very proud of Sergei. He looks so grown up in the pictures. What a blessing to watch him grow. Jackie

  2. The Beth Moore weekend sounds fabulous; I'm a trifle envious -smile-


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