
Tuesday, May 31, 2011

That's How It Is to Be in His Family

I don't how it is that two families who live five hours apart and have only met on two different occasions can feel like they've known each other for years. Like family, really.

That's how we feel about our good friends pictured here at our home (we were so blessed to have them as guests yesterday through today!) You may remember me mentioning our visit out East to them over New Year's when they hosted Sergei's best friend from the orphanage in Ukraine.

I love how God forges friendships despite the miles. How He brings families together after years of not even knowing the other exists and then makes them feel like they've known each other all along. Only God can do that.

Please keep this dear family in your prayers as they pursue the adoption of their host sons. They will make wonderful adoptive parents (they're already amazing parents to their bio kids!)

We love you guys and are so thankful for our friendship! Our house felt so empty and quiet when you guys left! Can't wait to see you all again!


  1. A house is never quiet when we are around!

  2. I understand that wonderful feeling to have friends as close as family. Our dearest friends live 8 hours away and we only get to see them once or twice a year yet when see them it is like coming home! It is indeed a precious gift from God.

    Missy :o)

  3. It is wonderful to have a full house!~ Will be praying for your friends and their adoption. We have two that are adopted, from U.s. It was a long hard road! but worth it!


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