
Wednesday, June 22, 2016

homegrown and handmade

  Some of my handspun. 
Very high tech fiber-drying apparatuses, huh?

I fought with the seeming frivolity of posting today. When I get really busy and consumed with projects or duties or just daily life, I often find pausing to take photos or write blogs tedious. I'm like, "Let's just get on with it! No time to pause for photos!" 

And many times, that is true and quite agreeable. I certainly find it harder to stay focused when I'm stopping to find my camera and snap photos. 

But yesterday, while swirling around in my busyness, I remembered why it is that I pause to take photos. I love to look back through our Shutterfly albums or read back through this blog and see all that we did as a family. I love to see our adventures, our journeys, our projects, our trips, our endeavors. 

So I paused long enough to grab my camera several times yesterday and this morning. And, admittedly, I hesitated. But, come one, these are the moments. 

So what has kept me so exceptionally busy?

Well, remember that interior door that I decided to paint? The one I mentioned back in this post? Yes, well that turned into painting all of our trim white. Then we decided to paint the walls. But first the ceilings, because nothing has been painted for eight years and you could tell. Then my mother-in-law gave us a very nice monetary gift to be used for a "home improvement" project! So then we decided we were going to replace our forest green counter top (yay!) and paint the cabinets. 

You know how home improvement projects escalate.

But also on top of all of that, I've been trying to wash as much as my alpaca fiber as possible, which is an all-day process. It's not an all-day project in the sense that I'm constantly consumed and attentive to it, but, rather, one that is drawn out and requires attention frequently. 

I've also been spinning and knitting and we've been picking and freezing cherries like crazy. And now my herbs? Well, they need picked and dried so we can enjoy them throughout the next year when we no longer have the fresh ones. 

Do I sound like I'm complaining? Oh, I'm not. All of these things are quite up my alley of interests. (Well, except painting ceilings.) And it has felt quite good to be so involved in the things that get my heart ticking. 

By the way, I'm joining in on the Yarn Along over at Ginny's blog, Small Things. 


  1. It all sounds lovely!!! If only I could convince my husband to let me re-paint the kitchen... add more garden beds.... and get some alpacas! I might be able to convince him of the first two - but the alpacas... probably not. Though I do have my spinning wheel waiting for *someday* in our basement. I love to see all of your pictures!

  2. Oh painting... I have a love-hate relationship with it! It must be done and I love when it's done but I sure hate the doing!! Your days look the way mine are in my dreams. Lovely pictures!

  3. I'm so glad you stopped to take pictures - I loved seeing them all. You reminded me that I have a fleece to clean and work on. I should start it soon while the weather is still dry. Thanks for sharing your days.

  4. I'm washing three windows a day (inside and out and replacing the miniblinds). Then I can recover and do what I really want and that is to read. I love that sampler in the photo!!! beautiful! I find when I'm really busy I'm really happy :)

  5. Your home sounds lovely as is your beautiful garden. I would love to buy some home spun wool, do you ever sell it.
    This is the first time I have read your blog which I have come to through Ginnys.
    Kind wishes

  6. I LOVE the spinning!! How fantastic that you do that!!! I would LOVE to do that (or at least, try it!) Your knitting is so lovely as well! :) I love your raised beds (it looks like you are really keeping up with the weeding! That is awesome....I always have good intentions but oh the weeds just take over!). I hope you will share photos of your walls and everything when it is done being painted! :) I love your homestead!!! It is just perfect! :)

  7. When I leave a comment on your blog (I hope you are getting this) I get a notification in my email that it failed to go to your email...?

  8. You do not sound like you are complaining you sound busy and very, very happy.

  9. Oh! Your yard and raised beds are gorgeous! I have some garden envy.

    I'm also impressed with your start to finish yarn!

  10. lots of beautiful pics..i cant do socks, but iam doing tube socks for the babies...


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