
Thursday, May 21, 2015

Around the corner

Did you ever feel like a change was coming? Something stirring up in the very depths of your soul? Excitement? Anticipation? Maybe even a tinge of fear?

That's the best way to describe how I've been feeling lately. But I'm not scared. I'm not worried. I feel like God is really working in my life, in the life of our little family, and it excites me. We have felt some prompting, some conviction to change some things in our lives. Right now, I feel like that's what I need to focus on ~ these things right here in front of me that God has clearly shown me need taken care of.

And the rest?

Well, we wait. We stay yielded to God and wait for Him to work things out.

I honestly don't know what this all looks like, and that's the part that is really exciting to me. And I know that's grace from God because in and of my own self, I naturally really like to know what's going on, what's about to happen, etc. Not knowing is very anxiety-provoking. But with this? Well, I just have a deep peace. I can wait. I want to wait on Him. I trust Him.

In that waiting, we're living our lives, focusing on Him and the many blessings He's given to us. My boy is becoming a shining star in the kitchen. I started a soup for lunch yesterday, and he asked if he could help. He ended up taking over and made something completely different from what I was going for, but it was one of the most delicious and flavorful soups I've ever had. And I had to take a photo of him sniffing the spices. He must have gotten that from me. That's how I figure out what I want to add to my dishes. I hardly ever follow recipes. Instead, I try to match scents of spices/herbs to what I'm making. I don't know if that makes sense, but this boy of mine seems to have inherited that gene. That delights me and literally made me giggle yesterday when I saw him do it.

We're enjoying the days of less structure. Having finished our official school days, we're enjoying seeing where the day takes us and what we can get into. Actually, that's more of what the kids' days have looked like. Mine have been very full with Bible School preparations, garden preparation, animal needs, and portfolio preparation. Lots of preparation going on in my life right now. I don't see things slowing down until mid-June, but I'm sure there will be something else going on then to keep me busy.

P.S. ~ Thank you for the comments you've been lovingly leaving on my posts. I really do find each one to be such an encouragement and a joy to read!


  1. Oh Amber I feel so happy for you, your family and fur babies of all kinds are so happy looking, your mini farm is coming along nicely and to see the joy you all have in each daily task is so calming....

    Blessings enjoy your holiday weekend

  2. As I read your post I felt total calm and peace come over me. There are many areas in my life right now that are "hanging" and causing anxiety... :) You have encouraged me to WAIT... Hope you have a very blessed week!

  3. They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles, they shall run and not be weary, and they shall walk and not faint...

    Such a good place to be, Amber! :)

    My son enjoys creating delicious, savory things in the kitchen, too!
    xo Lisa

  4. Good luck with all of your preparations ahead! And how wonderful that he took over the soup making! I think that is just outstanding! That shift feeling is a good never know where the road will take you! Lovely weekend to you!! Nicole xo

  5. I pray God will cover the earth with his glory. May we all soak in it.
    I do feel that great spiritual things are taking place.
    We all must spend more time with God and in prayer.
    Your daily life encourages me in my daily journey.
    Your whole family and animals bless me.

  6. i definitely know the feeling. now its just a matter of relaxing and realizing that God's got this, no matter the outcome.

  7. What a beautiful blog my dear. Thank you for visiting mine!

  8. Your pictures are always full of lovely light and testimony of the goodness of the Lord. I have been feeling the "Change" stirrings for a bit; Our whole family has been feeling it. I do believe that the Lord is "rearranging" right now. May you all be blessed as He reveals what those changes are. Have a wonderful week Amber.

  9. Hello Amber, I have always loved your gift for creating such a cozy home. We also have felt a stirring of a change coming...
    Blessings, Roxy

  10. wow! you remembered to snap more photos than me when we went to the state park :) I am in awe at your documentation. I love how everyone had fun and was out and about in nature :)


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