We arrived home from our week-long beach vacation this past Friday, late in the afternoon. It always feels so good to walk into a clean, undisturbed house after being away for a week. I spent a good part of the rest of the evening unpacking (I like to do that right away).
Saturday we woke up bright and early and got right to work. We had our lawn to mow, weeds to pull, tomato plants to tie up, and oh so many other things that needed attended to. We spent the entire day outside. I was exhausted by the time I finished push-mowing around 3pm. It was a nice hot, sauna-like day so although it felt good to put in a full day's work, I was way overdue for a shower, food, and a cold drink by mid-afternoon.
Brad and I cleaned up and then headed out to celebrate our 13th wedding anniversary (which is actually today.) We ate at Red Robin and then grabbed some Cafe Americanos and set out on a hunt for a coffee French press. We also detoured and picked out a bonsai tree to commemorate our anniversary. And then we finished up the night at the bookstore. Brad had his stack of organic gardening books, and I had my very large stack of knitting/crocheting books. Although we went home without a coffee press or books, we had a wonderful night and I was very pleased with our anniversary bonsai tree. :) And then I ended up ordering this coffee press with some amazon cash I had saved up, so it all worked out in the end.
We came home from the beach with four hermit crabs, and then Lily and my niece found a frog on Saturday that is now in an aquarium in Lily's bedroom. It's been fun watching her trying to catch flies to feed to her pet frog. Sometimes you just have to go with it, you know?
This morning, I will be heading into the hospital to see my brand-new, two-hour old nephew. My sister gave birth to her third a little before 6am this morning. And I finished that baby blanket just in the knick of time. I'm just going to block it today, and then it will be ready to give to her. I also dove back into the granny hexagon afghan that I'm working on for Lily for Christmas. I was able to get quite a few hexagons completed while driving home from Virginia on Friday. I arranged them all late Saturday night to see how many more I needed (about 32 more hexagons to go!)
Well, I'm off to get ready so I can go snuggle with my new nephew, and then it will be off to the grocery store to replenish our food supply here at home (which has been quite sparse since returning from vacation.)
Have a blessed day!
1 comment:
Wow - so much going on for you!! First, Happy Anniversary to you and Brad!! Sounds like you had a very nice time. Congrat's on the brand new nephew!! Too funny about the frog and the flies. :)
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