
Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Because He Never Leaves You (And Always Has Good Things for Your Life)...

Life can be hard. As much as we'd like for everything to be candy-coated sweet and easy-going all of the time, that's not reality.

And in my struggles with anxiety and depression, I have struggled many times with wanting my old self back. My pre-anxiety days when I didn't feel limited by anything.

And during those really hard, ugly days when it took everything in me just to walk out my front door to get the mail, I had to cling to the truths in God's Word or there was no hope.

And one of the things that brought me comfort even in the midst of severe depression and anxiety attacks was that God was always with me, always watching over me, always providing for me. During those times of feeling so alone, so hopeless, so weighed-down, knowing God was always watching over me and caring for me and healing me (even when I didn't necessarily feel His healing power) kept me going. My hope in God, my faith in Christ is what pulled me up out of that pit and is what continues to keep me persevering even when I struggle with it now.

And as much as I hated those days of deep depression and agoraphobia. As much as I don't want to go there again, I do know that those times were times of deep spiritual growth for me. When I was so deep in a pit of despair and depression that I felt my only hope was found in God and my only comfort was in His Word, those were the times that grew my faith by leaps and bounds.

He does nothing for naught. All that He allows in His children's lives is for their good. And for His glory.

I am stronger than I used to be. Not stronger in my own human strength. But stronger in my faith. And that's what is most important. Not being independent, but being fully dependent on God. The giver of all good things.

And so I can see how God, my loving, Heavenly Father, took a situation that was awful and horrible, and He is making it into something beautiful.

Something that has drawn me nearer to Him than I've ever been.

Something that He is going to use to help others who suffer from depression, anxiety, and panic attacks.

Something that He is going to use for His glory and His kingdom.

Because He really does make all things beautiful in His time.

A big thank-you to Dayspring who sent me these beautiful reminders to have in my home. I am very grateful.

You can purchase these items as well as many others for 25% off during Dayspring's July sale. Everything on Dayspring's website is included in this sale, including clearance items! Ends July 31st!

I received these items for free from Dayspring in exchange for sharing my story. Affiliate links included in this post.


  1. beautiful post Amber. happy summer days to you :).

  2. I just started reading some blogs again today. I passed over many. Yours I stopped by. The title of your post spoke to me. I am trying to find answers at this time & comfort.


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