
Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Yay for Berry Season and a Rustic Blackberry Tart Recipe...

One of the benefits of living on acres of old farm land...

Lots of wild blackberries to feast on....

The two boys opted into eating rather than picking...

There's my honey...

Yes, she did some eating too...

We all ate our share during our trek home. But I had enough to make a rustic berry tart this morning...

Rustic Blackberry Tart 

·         1 cup all-purpose flour
·         1 cup whole wheat flour (or you could use all regular white flour; I like to get in whole wheat as much as I can)
·         1/3 cup sugar
·         ¼ cup yellow cornmeal
·         2/3 cup cold butter, cubed (UGH! I know. A lot of butter. )
·         ½ cup buttermilk (I never have buttermilk on hand so I make my own by simply adding 2 tsp of white vinegar or lemon juice per ½ cup of milk. Let sit for 5 minutes and it’s ready to go.)
·         5 cups of fresh blackberries (or a combo of any kind of berries you have; I added in a cup or so of blueberries this time.)
·         2/3 cup sugar
·         1/3 cup flour
·         2 tbsp. lemon juice (I was out of lemons this morning so I substituted 2 tbsp of water)
·         1 egg, beaten
·         2 tbsp turbinado sugar (or any coarse sugar)

·         Combine flours, sugar and cornmeal; cut in the butter until crumbly. Add buttermilk and mix with fork. You can then use your hands to form dough into a ball.
·         Lightly flour your surface and roll out dough to about 14 inches. Transfer to baking sheet. I use my round baking stone and roll it out and bake it all on the same surface so there’s no transferring.
·         Combine berries, sugar, flour, and lemon juice. Pour into center of pastry and spread out to approx. 2 inches of edges. Fold the edges up over the berry mixture. You don’t have to get fancy here, this is a “rustic” tart, after all.
·         Brush the folded crust with egg and then sprinkle with the coarse sugar.
·         Bake at 375 degrees for 50 minutes or until crust is golden brown and filling is bubbly. Note to you all: it’s best to place aluminum foil or an old cookie sheet at the bottom of your oven. This tart will bubble over. Trust me, we were fanning smoke out of the kitchen this morning because I forgot to put the baking sheet underneath!
·         Serve with whipped cream if you so desire!
·         Enjoy!



  1. hey amber! you take beautiful pictures and the tart looks really yummy!

  2. Yum! That tart looks delicious! We don't live on farm land, but we are in a pretty rural area and we have a huge area of wild blackberries in the woods beside our house! We've already harvested a few gallons for ourselves, family and friends! I posted a recipe for blackberry banana pancakes just a few days ago! I may have to try your tart!

  3. Oh, how neat Amber! That rustic tart looks scrumptious. Yum! Your acreage looks beautiful ~ and I agree wild blackberries are a blessing. Looks like your family is enjoying them!

    Thanks for commenting on my blackberry post! It was fun to make the jam and save the rest. My hubby ended up eating most of the seed mixture over ice cream. =)

    Now, I'm off to bookmark this rustic tart recipe for later!

    Blessings to you and your family,

  4. Those blackberries look amazing - how fun to pick! And my mouth is watering looking at your delicious tart...

  5. It has been so dry here we don't have any berries! :( We need rain in a big way! Loved your pictures and that recipe looks delicous!

  6. yum yum yum! what a great adventure!


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