The timeline, published by Master Books, starts at 4004 B.C. at the creation of the world and ends at 2007 A.D. The wonderful thing about this timeline is that it supports the young earth theory which states that the earth is not millions of years old, but rather only about 6000 years old.
This timeline goes through all the major events in both ancient history as well as modern day happenings. Not only does it list the events but it also goes into more depth on some of them. This timeline also includes lots and lots of factual tidbits and Biblical and historical insights.
And one more thing: this book folds out to be a 15 foot timeline. It is huge! And every bit of each page is filled with facts, information, and knowledge.
I definitely recommend this book! It is a great resource, especially for us as a homeschooling family. A great history tool! And the fact that it is Biblically sound is most important to me as a Christian mom.
I received a complimentary copy of this book from Master Books in exchange for my honest opinion.
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