Because He came, there is peace even when the cities and governments of this earth crumble and fall to ashes.
Because He came, there is an easy load that is ours if we take it. An easy load despite of the heartaches and troubles we see here in this world and in our lives.
Because He came, there is redemption. Redemption for the sin-laden soul that just knows deep down that there has got to be something more.
Because He came, there is order and control even when chaos seems to rule here on this soil on which we dwell.
Because He came, there is joy even when life's circumstances would urge us to think otherwise.
Because He came, there is a plan. A holy, great, perfect, joyful plan for those who put their trust in Him.
Because He came, there is rest. Striving and laboring for earthly things can be laid aside as we rest in Him. A wearied mind and heart can lay down the burdens at the throne of the King and crawl up into His awaiting lap for much-needed rest and refreshment.
Because He came, there is an open doorway to wisdom for the child who asks. As King Solomon asked God for wisdom above all else, this same wisdom is for our taking when we too ask with humble hearts.
Because He came, there is light. It is not a light that can be squelched. It is not a light that grows dim and eventually burns out. It is not a light that can be overtaken by the darkness of this world. It is the light that shines brightly for eternity.
And because He came, this light is available for you and me. To shine in our soul, our heart, our life. And this light becomes our inheritance when we humble ourselves before our Creator, admit our sins and weaknesses and selfishness, and ask Him to be Lord of our lives. And when this prayer slips genuinely off of our tongues, we are instantly made heirs of eternal life.
Father ~ may Your light shine bright in the depths of my soul. May it light up all of the dark places. May it show forth any dark places within my soul that need dealt with, that need repented of and surrendered to You. May Your light shine so brightly in my life that those around me would not be able to deny Your existence. In that wonderful and glorious name of Your Son Jesus I pray, Amen.
*If you would like to learn more or have questions about the inheritance that is available to you through the Heavenly Father, I would love to hear from you. Just use the contact link under the header of my blog.*
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