
Monday, May 11, 2015

the morning

These mornings have been perfect. They've been the perfect mornings to take our coffees and Bibles out on the back deck and spend a few minutes before the busyness of the day takes over. Yesterday morning before church, Brad and I took our coffees out to the alpaca pasture and had an impromptu 30 minute "date" (Brad put a bench out in the pasture for me to sit on and visit with the boys.) It really was a great way to start our day.

I had a wonderful mother's day. After a wonderful morning at church, I took a tiny nap (oh, the luxury), and then we took Midi and drove to a local walking trail to spend a couple of hours. The trail runs along a creek so Midi (and the kids) enjoyed splashing and wading through the creek. We finished up the day at my parents enjoying a wonderful meal that my mom prepared.

This morning we're leaving in a bit to visit our friends at their farm. Then I will be spending the rest of the day (as well as the rest of the week) cleaning the house and packing boxes full of stuff to sell at my mother-in-law's yard sale this weekend. Brad and I are on a mission to simplify our lives of things and stuff. The thought of having less things feels so freeing. Easier to breath. I've been learning that the more things we have, the more tied down we are. Time to cut some of those ties.


  1. Your photos are beautiful Amber! And I'm so glad you had a wonderful Mother's Day! There is something fantastic about living with less....good luck with packing things up!! Here is to simplicity! Nicole xo

  2. So true! Cut and purge. Cut and purge. It IS freeing! ♡ you, lady. :)

  3. Lovely hanging baskets and view. Sounds like the best way to start the day!

  4. Love your photos and the way you've eased into the day :) I just gave a few bags of goodies to friends who are having a yard sale to benefit a having less stuff. Lots more to go... blessings, Karen

  5. You're hanging baskets are beautiful! Thankfully I've been able to enjoy the sunrise these past few mornings, from my front porch.


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