
Thursday, April 23, 2015

Where the wild things are...

Yes, well apparently the wild things are in my house.

The kids found a baby cottontail rabbit in our back field yesterday. One of our dogs had gotten a hold of it. Besides being covered in saliva, it seemed to be all in one piece. We couldn't locate the rabbit nest so my kids brought it into our nest.

Of course, the kids were elated at this opportunity as we just finished reading The Green Ember last week!

I did some research and found that if they still have the little white "blaze" on their forehead, they are too young to be left alone in the wilderness. I could not, in good conscious, let this little furry ball of cute be put back out in the frigid temps (it snowed here again, people) and especially knowing that it was absolutely too young to make it on its own.

So I found a recipe for milk replacement for wild rabbits, and we mixed some up. Thankfully, I had a syringe that I had washed and saved so we used that to feed the rabbit the milk.

Lily has taken on the role of surrogate mother, and she is fulfilling her duty quite well. She's feeding it, massaging its belly (that is supposed to help its digestion), talking to it, reassuring it, making sure it stays warm (we filled a couple of old socks up with beans and are heating them up and putting them under the towel in the box to keep him/her warm and cozy.)

Oh, she's in her element, this daughter of mine.

And, of course, Brad and I didn't argue with any of this. Why would we? We're past that by now.We just chalk this things up to wonderful learning experiences and wonderful ways to teach our children to care for God's creation.


  1. Amber, this would've been my AnnaLynn at 9 (and even now at 14!). Kuddos for allowing her the joy of caring for the wee bunny (we've saved them from the jaws of our cats carrying them up from the lower field...). I'm glad my book recommendations were of a help to you! Karen A's Beautiful Girlhood is old fashioned, yet charming and, in my opinion, the best thing out there for young ladies! Snow? Really? Oh my! It was 81 here on Sunday, but we are back to cool and rainy...

  2. Nothing better than this!! So glad that you all were able to take this little guy in and that your daughter took on the role of mom! She will always remember this!! Happy day to you all! Nicole xo

  3. We caught a little baby rabbit one time. The thing was adorable - but infested with fleas. Uck! Anyway, I am glad you took care of it.

  4. Oh my goodness, so sweet. I hope it will flourish and do well.
    Many blessings, Pam

  5. So adorable! I can see this happening here! So much fun to take care of baby animals.

  6. Oh that is so Sweet!! As a young girl we had a wild rabbit make her nest in the middle of our privacy fenced fenced in yard to have her babies. I think because the fence kept out all the neighbors dogs. Well enjoy you sweet baby bunny!!



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