
Monday, January 26, 2015

snowy days

We are finally receiving a fairly nice amount of snow. I know that I have friends who will read this and think I'm crazy, but I like snow. It's winter. It's cold. And it's absolutely dreary and gray without snow so I like when it snows. It's beautiful and bright and crisp and I love the crunch it makes under my boots when I'm out caring for the animals.

A few nights ago, I had shut the animals up for the night, letting Midi run and explore the dark just a little bit longer than I normally do. I felt the need to tarry there in the dark winter night. I just stood there, breathed in the cold air. It made me feel alive. I like to feel alive and invigorated. The big night sky spread out before me. The silence as the whole neighborhood was tucked warmly into their homes.

Then drawn to the twinkle lights of the porch, I took my place on a little bench we keep out year round and waited for Brad to come home from work. I thought about how I used to absolutely detest winter. The coming of winter would actually provoke feelings of anxiety and depression. I guess that God has helped me to embrace each of His seasons because I really do find myself loving all four of them. Yes, spring is still my favorite, but I'm finding little gifts in each of them as I learn to love the purpose of seasons.

And as I'm in each season, it's hard for me to imagine the other seasons. Hmmm... How to put this into words? These days, I bundle up tight in my down-coat, my gloves, a hat, a scarf, and my snow boots. I walk around the yard looking at my raised beds buried in the snow with bits of dead plants poking their dried little heads up out of the white. I see the tree swing covered in snow and frozen to the tree trunk. Then there's the grill that's been put to bed for the winter. And then I wonder how it will ever be possible for me to go outside in shorts and a t-shirt, you know, with all this snow and frigid air that's made itself at home. But, yet, I know that in a few shorts months, I will indeed be going outside without bundling up and the kids will be spending hours each day on that tree swing, and I'll be making our dinner out on the grill on the back deck almost every evening. I guess that's one of the blessings of living in an area with defined seasons.

Brad and I have kept ourselves very busy deep-cleaning and painting. It's been years since we painted our home, and our walls have been screaming for a fresh coat of paint. Part of this whole process has also been setting up a designated craft studio for me. This has been such an exciting thing for me as I've been dreaming about a space for all of my creative tools for quite a few years. I pulled all of my supplies and yarn out of our bedroom and closet over the weekend, and now our room feels so uncluttered and clean. It's a wonderful feeling. I really do function so much better with less stuff around me.

So now I will spend some time each day arranging (and rearranging) the things in my new room until I get everything just right. This will be the most fun part of setting this room up - finding little spaces to tuck away the things that make me feel happy and creative. Moving this from here to there until it's found it's little mean-to-be home. I want to savor this process. I'm so thankful for this space, and I just want to relish each little moment I have in getting it ready to be used.

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