
Wednesday, September 17, 2014

holding on to a bit of summer

I planted my zinnias late in the season. I didn't intentionally do this. I just didn't have room until I had pulled up all the garlic. And then I waited until mid-July to throw in the seeds.

I love zinnias. They are pretty much the only annual flower that I plant in the summer on a consistent basis. They are great for cutting which is exactly the reason I plant them. One day I'd love to have a big flower garden, but for now I just have a small space in one of our raised beds.

Upon our return from vacation this past Sunday, I noticed how the zinnias had all blossomed during our absence. Perfect timing.

And now I get to enjoy several vases of them in our home. I'm hoping that the unopened buds will get the chance to bloom before the frost hits hard. But for now, we'll enjoy this last little bit of summer.


  1. It seems many, myself included, are holding on to summer. I wonder if the mild summer and hard winter have something to do with it. I hear we might be in for another doosy of a winter. Ugh!

  2. So beautiful! Thanks for sharing.



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