
Tuesday, July 29, 2014

a new handmade bag

I originally purchased and started this pattern because one of my crochet students had chosen to make this bag as her project. I loved the knit-look fabric that the stitch used gave the bag, and it was a much more modern looking market bag than the other ones I had found.

I finished it over the weekend (while mostly resting and drinking copious amounts of hot tea to relieve my sore throat and sinus congestion) and was pleasantly surprised and pleased with the end product.

The pattern did call for a sport weight yarn which I did not have at the time. I wanted to use what I already had on hand so I ended up using regular 'ole worsted weight yarn in two different colors. Because of that, the navy portion of the bag did not turn out as "meshy" as it should have had I followed the yarn specs given in the directions. However, the heavier weight yarn actually made the bag feel more sturdy and solid which is good for what I will most likely be using it for ~ toting books around.

I also changed up some other things in the pattern, mostly because I ran out of the navy yarn, but also because I have the tendency to do that a bit when following patterns. I messed around a bit at the places where the yarn changes occurred in attempt to hide the color "jog" a bit. I think I was successful in that endeavor. Yarn jogs are one of my pet peeves with crocheting in the round. I also added a different round of stitches at the very top of the bag to keep it from rolling in.

I'm loving this bag, and I will most certainly be making more. I've purchased multiple patterns from Holland Designs and have always been pleased with her patterns!  I made Lily one of Holland Designs cardigan patterns over the winter of 2012/2013, and it's still going strong and Lil's favorite sweater.

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