
Thursday, July 3, 2014

a handmade gift

I really dropped the ball on my mom's birthday gift this year. Her birthday was last Wednesday, smack dab in the middle of our Bible School chaos. It's really my fault. I should have been more organized and started her gift sooner than a week before her birthday. But I do tend to lean towards the procrastinator side in such things.

I called her and wished her a happy birthday, and I told her that I did indeed have something for her, something handmade, but, alas, something that was not yet finished.  Sigh. Of course, she is a very understanding mother, and, in fact, never even expects her daughters to give her gifts on her birthday.

I wasn't feeling very well yesterday afternoon, so I made myself a quart of iced tea, grabbed the almost-finished scarf and my hooks, and headed out to the back deck to finish the gift. Both of the kids had friends over to play and were very much preoccupied which translates into me having an ample amount of uninterrupted crocheting time.

I finished it, seamed it, tried it on, and was pleased with it. I chose Blue Sky's alpaca silk yarn in ecru for this project. This yarn is so soft and squishy. It's an absolute pleasure to work with and makes a wonderful finished project. The pattern I used was one that I have used many times. It's a bit of a lacy stitch which was just what I wanted. I knew I wanted this scarf to be a cooler, lighter weight scarf, one that could be worn on the cooler days of summer.

I tried it on yesterday afternoon just to see how it felt. I will admit that it is most certainly not an accessory that I would wear on a 95 degree day. However, I don't really see myself wearing any kind of scarf on a 95 degree day! I think it will be perfect for cooler days and most definitely a win come fall's cooler temps.

Happy birthday, mom!


  1. Its just beautiful. I am sure your Mom will l just treasure it. Lovely pictures.

  2. Love this scarf. You do such a great job Amber!



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