
Monday, June 16, 2014

rain, seeds, yarn, and earaches...

It's been quite a rainy spring here. And a bit chilly, as well. I found it a bit disheartening that I had to mow grass on Saturday afternoon in jeans and a fleece.

We spent over an hour hunkered down in our basement last Wednesday evening, as some tornado-producing storms rolled through bringing the current cold front to the area. One of the things that I rather appreciate about Western PA is that the weather here is usually mild (as far as tornado-producing storms), but every now and then we do experience small tornadoes which, admittedly, make me a ball of nerves. I don't know how those of you who live in areas where tornadoes are common, do it. 

Thankfully, despite some very nasty, creepy clouds that rolled violently over our home, we did not have any tornadoes right here in the Valley, but there were areas surrounding us that did experience them. Thankfully, there wasn't much more than tree damage from these storms.

But storms and days of rain, lend very nicely to big, sloppy puddles. Of which the kids most enjoyably played in on Thursday and Friday. It was quite, well, messy. But I suppose mud puddles are messy.

Brad and my dad replanted part of the garden on Saturday while I mowed the yard. Unfortunately, most of the beans and corn that we had originally planted did not come up. It seems like we're having that problem frequently in this area this spring. I've noticed an unusually high volume of crows in the backyard this spring, and so I wonder if they are the culprit.

I have several knitting and crochet projects in the works right now. I've been knitting up dishcloths to replace the ones I made last summer that are getting a bit worn. I'm also working on fingerless mitts, head-warmers, and some scarves which will be added to my shop/festival inventory. Usually my yarn-habits slow down a bit during the summer months, but I have to say I have kept them up quite unusually well this summer. Perhaps it is because it's been chillier than normal.

Today is my weekend catch-up day, as is every Monday. Laundry will consume most of my day. And as I sit here typing, I'm staring head-on with two sinkfuls and a counterful of dirty dishes that need rinsed and put in the dishwasher. We were gone most of the day yesterday (except for breakfast and lunch) and by the time we got home last night, I was done in for as I've been battling a cold and sore throat the last several days. So conquering the dish pile is first on my to-do list this morning. And although a sinkful  and counterful of dishes can be quite an overwhelming thing to wake up to, I know that once I get going and set my mind to it, those dishes will be rinsed, loaded, and washed up in no time.

I also have a doctor's appointment on my list of things to do today. Poor Lily, who had also developed a cold last week, has had an earache in both ears all weekend. I called the pediatrician this morning and got an appointment for later this morning. Not an ideal trip to make on a Monday morning, but an essential one at this point.

Have a blessed day...


  1. Make sure to make extra fingerless gloves for me! They happen to be a passion of mine and I will definitely be purchasing some from you!

  2. Picture perfect. Sorry to hear about the beans. Our beans are up, but something is eating up the leaves. We didn't have beans last year.


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