
Friday, June 6, 2014

he likes me...

With a busy week closing up behind us and an exciting weekend before us, things are all astir here at our home. Almost all of our garden beds are planted. Only one more raised bed needs planted, but before it can be planted, it needs weeded and composted. Then I will have a nice fertile bed ready for planting my cutting flowers, mostly zinnias. I love zinnias for cutting.

Plans continue for our church's Vacation Bible School. I have one more shopping trip to make next week to finish purchasing all of the last minute items. I'm also in the midst of constructing these out of tissue paper. My friend who co-directs with me is in charge of all of the props. And oh the props she makes! She's constructed an eight-foot waterfall, five eight-foot trees, as well as many other things that will transform our church into a place were the wild animals live. I'm thankful that she doesn't mind taking on the building of the props. I enjoy painting them, but the thought of constructing them totally overwhelms me! So if you live locally and have children between the ages of three and twelve, we'd love to see you at VBS. Here is the link for more information.
Our alpacas continue to adapt and settle in to their new home. We still feel so blessed that we are able to have these wonderful animals. I was elated last night when I got Majestico to eat right out of my hand. Peggy, are you reading this??? He ate out of my hand! He's my little buddy. He's the only brown one of the bunch so he's often off by himself while the three white ones hang out so he has a favorite spot in my heart. Yes, I guess I have a favorite. I love all of them, but he's special to me. Honestly, I was drawn most to him the very first time I met him. I think it's because he was more stand-offish, more of a challenge, and I was determined to get him to like me.

Earlier this week, I was sitting out in the pasture and Majestico came over and sat down near me. I started singing some praise songs and soon he had laid his neck down on the ground in from of him. I continued to sing, and I could see his head start to tilt to the side as he relaxed. And then he fell asleep! For non-animal owners, you probably have no idea why this excites me so, but I felt like that was such a precious moment.

Well, there is much to be done this morning to prepare for the fun activities ahead of us. I pray that you all have a wonderful weekend!

1 comment:

  1. beautiful pics ..i so love your dogie, what a face..
    have a blessed week..


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