
Wednesday, May 21, 2014

rhubarb, babies, and a photo shoot

Rhubarb. It's one of those special treats that comes around only once a year. At least here in our part of the northeast. Unfortunately, I have as of yet to be successful in growing rhubarb. Every attempt has led to failure. Which is surprising to me because I've always been under the impression that it's easy to grow. I found this article quite helpful and informative. And it confirms my impression that rhubarb is supposed to be easy to grow and maintain. Hmmm. Maybe I need to pile more organic matter on next time when I plant it.

So when rhubarb season rolls around, I hightail it to the grocery store to get it before they sell out. I made the mistake of waiting a bit too long several years ago, and the store was sold out and not getting more in because it was coming to the end of its season.

After purchasing rhubarb and strawberries earlier this week,  I set to search the Internet for a gluten free recipe for a strawberry/rhubarb crisp. I found this recipe on Pinch of Yum and made this for dessert Monday night. It was very, very yummy. I made a bit more of the crisp topping than what the recipe called for because, well, I really love that crispy, buttery topping.

Actually, not only was this recipe gluten-free, but it was also dairy free. Instead of using butter in the topping, the recipe calls for coconut oil. And this recipe is also free of processed sugars, using, instead, raw honey.

I also changed out the crushed walnuts for crushed almonds and the almond flour (I was fresh out) for a brown rice flour/sorghum flour blend.

The only thing I would have done differently would have been to pick up some vanilla coconut milk ice cream to top it off. That would have been super yummy. But this was such a healthy recipe, that we enjoyed it in our oatmeal the next day for breakfast.

The baby pictures are of my nephew. The same night I baked the crisp, I watched my sister's three children for a bit (oh, how I forgot how difficult it is to prepare dinner with an eight month old.) He is THE most squeezable little baby, and I just love to cuddle with him. Lucky for me, he was fussy and tired and so he settled into my arms quite easily to be rocked to sleep. We sat out on the back deck rocking while the other kids played on the deck and in the backyard. Then I was able to put him down on our couch, tuck him in with some handmade afghans, and finish up our dinner so the family could eat.

I also had the wonderful opportunity to do a photo shoot with our pastor and his wife (also good friends of ours) as well as their two beautiful daughters. Monday morning was a beautiful morning with the perfect sun for photos. I really enjoyed capturing the moments between their family. It was a blessing to be a part of their life in this way.

As you can see, they are an absolute beautiful family which made my job even more enjoyable (and easy.) After this shoot, I decided that I may just enjoy doing more family photography shoots. So if you're local, keep me in mind. ;)

Well, I must be off now. Ian has his homeschool evaluation this Friday, and I need to finish up putting his portfolio together.

Have a blessed day!

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