
Monday, February 24, 2014


I've been doing a lot of knitting lately. So Lily has been asking me to try to teach her to knit again. We tried last year, but she was still a little too uncoordinated and was having a really hard time manipulating two needles and the yarn.

Last Thursday, I was giving her sewing teacher a knitting lesson (we decided to barter and swap sewing lessons for knitting lessons), and Lily was showing a lot of interest in trying to learn again. She even picked up a pair of my needles and cast on some stitches.

That evening she was still asking me to teach her. So after dinner was done and cleaned up, we sat down together on the couch for a knitting lesson. This lesson was much more successful than last year's attempt. In fact, she took a flashlight to bed with her so she could continue to knit for a bit longer.

The next day, I had to take Ian to a doctor's appointment. Near the office is a lovely little yarn shop (Wexford Dry Goods.) Since this particular doctor is over an hour away, I always make it a point to stop in at the yarn stop when we go. My parents had gifted me with a gift card for the shop so, of course, this visit was even more exciting for me since I had "free" money to spend.

Poor Ian sat on one of the couches reading Oliver Twist (he had learned his lesson in the past and knew to bring a book along) while Lily, my mom, and I drooled over the yarn (okay, I think I was the only one drooling.) Lily had spent the whole hour ride there knitting and had, by this time, had a swatch about six inches long. So she was really excited and had even brought her money purse along in case she found any yarn she wanted. {Cute}

I left with a very decadent selection of yarn, and Lily left with a brand new set of kids' sized needles. They are the perfect size for her, and I've been enjoying the click-clack of her needles racing away making stitches.

The morning is very young yet, and the first thing she did when she got up was to grab her yarn and needles and start knitting. There's just so much about this that makes this mama so happy.


  1. What precious and priceless photos! Thank you for sharing!

  2. How beautiful! And what a great way to really connect.

  3. Wow, I am so impressed with her, don't know why but knitting is always something that I have been afraid to try. Looking forward to seeing her projects!

  4. That is just the cutest thing! She looks like she is already off to a good start. With you teaching her, she's bound to be great at it!

  5. The first thing I thought when I saw that photo of her sweet face was how much older she looks!

    Wexford sounds like my sort of shop. Very fun!

  6. so sweet..Glad she is loving knitting...


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